Do you watch Digimon!! Digimon is my favourite
Cartoon show. It have lot of different character
on the cartoon. I like the character named 'Agumon'
and 'Tai'. If you don`t know who it is
check out this pictures
Tai Kamiya
Digimon Partner: Agumon
Tai is the 11-year-old leader of the Digidestined. He was the first one to encounter a Digimon when a digi-egg came out of his computer when he was young. He is very energetic and owns the crest of Courage.
Matt Ishida
Digimon Partner: Gabumon
Matt is the loner of the group, and doesn't like to take risks. He is 11 years old and is T.K.'s older brother, although their parents are divorced. He has the crest of Friendship.
Izzy Izumi
Digimon Partner: Tentomon
Izzy is the genius of the Digidestined. He is 11 years old and likes to spend his time on his laptop or making theories. He loves everything electronic, especially computers, even though his digimon partner doesn't. He has the crest of Knowledge.
Sora Takenouchi
Digimon Partner: Biyomon
Sora is the overlooking responsible one of the Digidestined. She is 11 years old and doesn't have a very good relationship with her mother, although Biyomon helps it get better. She has the crest of Love.
Joe Kido
Digimon Partner: Gomamon
Joe always feels that everything bad that happens is his fault. He worries over a lot of things. He is 11 years old and the most important thing to him is safety. He has the crest of Reliability.
Mimi Tachikawa
Digimon Partner: Palmon
Mimi is a true girly-girl. Her favourite colour is pink and she's always complaining. She is surprised and amazed by normal everyday things. She is 11 years old and she owns the crest of Sincerity.
T.K. (Takeru) Takaishi
Digimon Partner: Patamon
T.K. is Matt's brother, although their parents were divorced a long time ago. 8 years old, he is the youngest of the Digidestined (along with Kari) and is actually more mature than most people expect him to be. He has the crest of Hope.
Kari Kamiya
Digimon Partner: Gatomon
Kari is Tai's young sister, and also the secret 8th digidestined that Myotismon was looking for. She likes cats and makes the formerly-evil Gatomon her friend. She is 8 years old and is the owner of the crest of Light.
Davis Motomiya
Digimon Partner: Veemon
Davis is 11 years old and is the most outgoing one of the group. He tends to act before he thinks, has a crush on Kari and is jealous of TK for being Kari's friend. He is the new "goggle boy" leader and has the Digi-Eggs of Courage and Friendship. His digimon DNA digivolves with Ken's digimon.
Cody Hida
Digimon Partner: Armadillomon
Cody is the youngest of the new digidestined, only 9 years old. However, he is the most seroius. He owns the Digi-eggs of Knowledge and Reliability and T.K.'s digimon is his digimon's DNA-digivolving partner.
Yolei Inoue
Digimon Partner: Hawkmon
Yolei is 11 years old and instantly attracted to any cute boy. She likes Ken at the beginning until she finds out he's the Digimon Emperor. She owns the Digi-eggs of Love and Sincerity. Her digimon DNA-Digivolves with Kari's digimon.
Kari Kamiya
Digimon Partner: Gatomon
Kari is 11 years old and is probably the most mature member of the new Digidestined. She is one of the original digi-destined. She is the owner of the Digi-egg of Light and her digimon DNA-digivolves with Yolei's digimon.
T.K. (Takeru) Takaishi
Digimon Partner: Patamon
T.K. was one of the original Digi-destined. He is calm and mature, way more so than in the first Digimon season. He has the Digi-egg of Hope and his digimon's DNA-digivolving partner is Cody's digimon.
Ken Ichijouji
Digimon Partner: Wormmon
Ken was once the evil digimon emperor, terrorizing digimon and trying to take over the world. Once he was defeated, he wasn't evil anymore but still didn't like the digidestined. But once his digimon DNA digivolved with Veemon, Ken understood the meaning of friendship. He is 11 and has the Digi-egg of Kindness.
Takato Matsuki
Digimon Partner: Guilmon
Red D-Power
Takato is a very gentle Digidestined. However, he is also very brave. He is the leader and drew his digimon on paper, which was brought to life after he slashed it through his D-Power. He has a red D-Power which later changed to a golden one. He's 10 years old.
Rika Makino
Digimon Partner: Renamon
Rika was the Digimon Card Battle Queen until Ryo beat her. She is a tough loner at first, and thinks Digimon are only for fighting each other, but later realizes they are actually meant to be friends. She goes to a private school and is 10 years old. She has a blue D-Power digivice.
Henry Wong
Digimon Partner: Terriermon
Henry is very wise and mature and doesn't like to take unnecessary risks. He was scared of Terriermon digivolving at first because he went out of control the first time he digivolved. He has a green D-Power and is 10 years old.
Juri Katou
Digimon Partner: Leomon
Juri became a Tamer later in the series. She has a hand puppet of a dog that she takes with her everywhere she goes. She is 10 years old and has a yellow D-Power digivice.
Kazu Shiota
Digimon Partner: Guardromon
Kazu is Takato and Kenta's friend. He becomes a tamer after he comes to the Digital World. He first doesn't believe Digimon are real, but then finds out otherwise. He is 10 years old and has an orange D-Power.
Kenta Kitagawa
Digimon Partner: MarineAngemon
Kenta is Takato and Kazu's friend. Just like Kazu, he becomes a tamer later is the series, when the Digidestined are in the Digital World. He is 10 years old and has a grey D-Power digivice.
Suzie Wong
Digimon Partner: Lopmon
Suzie is 7 years old and seems to think that Digimon is all one big game. She used to play with Terriermon, her brother Henry's digimon, before she tamed the rabbit deva, Antylamon, who became her partner. She has a pink D-Power.
Ryo Akiyama
Digimon Partner: Cyberdramon
Ryo was the champion of the Digimon Card Game. He later disappeared and went to the Digital World to train and combat evil. At 14, he is the oldest tamer and the most experienced one. He has a black and blue-coloured D-Power.
Takuya Kanbara
Element: Fire
Human Spirit: Agunimon
Beast Spirit: BurningGreymon
Fusion Spirit: Aldamon
Hyper Spirit: KaiserGreymon
Takuya, like Tai, Davis and Takato, is an energetic leader who tends to jump before he looks. At first he acted irresponsibly, but then he learned that being a Digimon is more than he thought of at first....
Kouji Minamoto
Element: Light
Human Spirit: Lobomon
Beast Spirit: KendoGarurumon
Fusion Spirit: Beowulfmon
Hyper Spirit: MagnaGarurumon
Kouji is a lone kid like Matt, Ken and Rika. He refuses help from the other kids at first, but he is reunited with them and stays with them until he goes after Velgrmon, and evil form of his lost brother, Koichi.
Junpei Shibiyama
Element: Thunder
Human Spirit: Beetlemon
Beast Spirit: MetalKabuterimon
Fusion Spirit: RhinoKabuterimon
Hyper Spirit: None
Junpei or J.P. used to be a friendless kid who wanted to win others' friendship with magic tricks or chocolate bars. But when he becomes a Digidestined, he realised that you don't need magic tricks or chocolate to have friends.
Zoe Orimoto
Element: Wind
Human Spirit: Kazemon
Beast Spirit: Zephyrmon
Fusion Spirit: JetSilphymon
Hyper Spirit: None
After her trip to Italy, Zoe couldn't find any friends because all the girls thought she was too proud. She is the only girl in Frontier.
Tommy Himi
Element: Ice
Human Spirit: Kumamon
Beast Spirit: Korikakumon
Fusion Spirit: DaiPenmon
Hyper Spirit: None
Tommy is a little kid, like TK from Season 1, who is always picked on by people. His parents were always nice to him. His brother tried to tell him that that's not the way everyone was going to treat him, but he only understood that once he became a Digidestined.
Human Spirit: Duskmon (Corrupted), Lowemon
Beast Spirit: Velgmon (Corrupted), JaegerLowemon
Fusion Spirit: None
Hyper Spirit: None
Kouichi is actually Kouji's long-lost brother. Koichi was an evil Spirit Digimon, Duskmon, but when Kouji defeated him, he turned good again and his spirits were purified. At the end, he sacrificed himself so that the Digidestined could defeat Lucemon.
Daimon Masaru
The main character of the series. He's obsessed with fighting and never lost a fight. His father was the leader of research about the Digital World, but went missing. His Digimon partner is Agumon.
Tohma Norshtein
Daimon's rival. Little is known about him right now. His Digimon partner is Gaomon.
Fujieda Yoshino
The heroine of the series. Her Digimon partner is Raramon.
Episode Guide:
Season 1
Episode 1: And So it Begins
The first episode introduces the seven DigiDestined (known as the Chosen Children in Japan) and their Digimon partners. Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, Mimi, and T.K. are at summer camp when they get transport to the Digital World. There they meet Koromon, Tsunomon, Yokomon, Motimon, Bukamon, Tanemon, and Tokomon, their partner Digimon. They also have their first run-in with an enemy digimon, Kuwagamon, and their partner's digivolve to defeat the enemy.Although many small changes were made from the Japanese version, the biggest change in this episode is that the North American version neglects to mention how old the children are. Joe is in sixth grade; Tai, Matt, and Sora are in fifth grade; Mimi and Izzy are in fourth grade; and T.K. is in second grade.
Episode 2: The Birth of Greymon
After their battle with Kuwagamon, the children find themselves on a beach with their newly Digivolved Digimon: Augumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Gomomon, Palmon, and Patamon. Everything seems safe until they' re attacked again, this time by an even stronger enemy, Shellmon, so Tai partner, Augumon, Digivolves once more into Greymon and saves the day.
Episode 3: Garurumon
The Children find a train car by the side of a lake and, tired from walking around the island, decide to sleep there for the night. There's only one problem: The train car is sitting on Seadramon's back. Matt is caught by Seadramon when he tries to help out his little brother, T.K., and Gabumon digivolves to rescue Matt. In the North American version, Matt tells the others that T.K. is his half-brother. In the Japanese version, they were full brothers.
Episode 4: Biyomon Gets Firepower
Emerging from the forest onto a savanna, the children arrive at a Yokomon village. Mount Miharashi, the source of the village' s water, was guarded by Meramon, but an accident occurred and the water dried up. To save Sora and the village from Meramon' s attack, Biyomon digivolves into Birdramon and defeats Meramon. The children discover that Meramon was being controlled by a Black Gear that had fallen from the sky.
Episode 5: Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
At a factory outside of the savanna the children come across Andromon, who was caught in a machine and unable to move. Even though Andromon is supposedly a good Digimon, he attacks the children. Izzy uses his computer to make Tentomon digivolve onto Kabuterimon and defeat Andromon. It turns out that Andromon was being controlled by a black gear.
Episode 6: Togemon in Toy Town
The Children are attacked by a group of Numemon in an underground passage. The group splits up and runs. Mimi and Palmon are attacked by Monzeamon and get lost in Toy Town. Monzeamon captures the other children and their Digimon. Monzeamon locks the Digimon up in a trunk and erases the children\rquote s emotions. Palmon Digivolves into Togemon and defeats Monzeamon, who was also being controlled by a Black Gear.
Episode 7: Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo
Unable to proceed any further, the children begin to fight among themselves. As the oldest, Joe feels it' s his duty to stop the fighting, so he decides to climb Infinity Mountain and find the source of the Black Gears. There he meets Unimon, another Digimon possessed by a Black Gear. Tai and Sora come looking for Joe and are also attacked by Unimon. Gomomon saves the day by Digivolving into Ikkakumon. The children reach the top Infinity Mountain and find File Island is just a small Island in the middle of a huge ocean.
Episode 8: Evil Shows His Face
The children rest in a house they find, but it turns out to be a trap set by Devimon. Leomon, a good digimon controlled by a Black Gear, and an evil Digimon, Ogremon, attack the children. The Digimon are to weak to fight and so the children and their Digimon are scattered about File Island. File Island breaks apart.
Episode 9: Sub-Zero Ice Punch
Tai and Augumon end up in a frozen wasteland. There they are attacked by Frigimon, who was being controlled by a Black Gear. Once they removed his black gear, Frigimon helps them find Matt and Gabumon, who have landed nearby. Matt and Tai fight about what to do next, but eventually decide to return to Infinity Mountain.
Episode 10: A Clue from the Digi-Past
Mimi and Palmon meet up with Izzy and Tentomon in Dino Ruins. Mimi tries to get Izzy to help her find the others, but he' s so enthralled with the ruins that he doesn't want to leave They are attacked by a Black Gear Digimon, Centaurmon. Once he is returned to normal, he tells them about their Digivices.
Episode 11: The Dancing Digimon
Joe and Gomomon meet up with Sora and Biyomon. They are captured by a group of Bakemon and are about to be sacrificed. With help from Joe, Ikkakumon and Birdramon defeat Bakemon and the children escape. In the Japanese version, Joe chanted Buddhist sutras to weaken the Bakemon.
Episode 12: DigiBaby Boom
T.K. and Patamon are still on Infinity Mountain. There they find Primary Village, where all Digimon are born. Patamon and Elecmon, caretaker of the baby Digimon, get into a fight but eventually make up, and T.K. and Patamon rejoin the others.
Episode 13: The Legend of the DigiDestined
Devimon appears again to the children, this time as a huge version of himself. None of the Digimon is a match for him, so finally Patamon Digivolves into Angemon and is able to defeat Devimon. But Angemon used all his strength in the battle and reverts to an egg. Once Devimon is defeated, a mysterious old man appears.
Episode 14: Departure for a New Continent
The Old man, Gennai, tells the children of Tags and Crests that will inable their Digimon to Digivolve even further. He says they can search for them on the continent of Server. Leomon and the other good Digimon help the children build a raft, and they sail for server-but on the ocean they're swallowed by Whamon. They destroy the Black Gear in Whamon's stomach and he shows them where their Tags are hidden.
Episode 15: The Dark Network of Etemon
Five(5) days after they sail, the children reach Server, where they are attacked by new enemies, Etemon and Gazimon. Their Digimon are no match for Etemon, and the children relize that they need to Digivolve to a higher level to have a chance. Tai finds the crest of Courage.
Episode 16: The Arrival of Skull Greymon
Impatient to have Agumon Digivolve, Tai Forces him to eat and eat. When faced with an enemy Greymon sent by Etemon, Tai forces Agumon to Digivolve. But because Tai had forced Agumon to Digivolve, Agumon Digivolves into Skull Greymon. Just as Skull Greymon is about to turn on the children, he uses up his strength and Devolved into Koromon. Joe finds the Crest of Responibilty.
Episode 17: The Crest of Sincerity
As the group walks through the desert, they find a huge cruise ship. Unfortunately, it's a trap set by Kokatorimon, another of Etemon's henchmen. Kokatorimon captures the boys and their Digimon, but Palmon and Biyomon save the day. Mimi finds the Crest of sincerity.
Episode 18: The Piximon Commeth
Kuwagamon attacks the children, but rembering what happend before, Tai is to scared to have Agumon Digivolve Just in the nick of time they are rescued by Piximon, who takes them to his hideout for training. Matt and Izzy slipped away in the night to look for their Crests and find the Crests of Friendship and Knowledge. Tai and Agumon renew their faith in themselves and Agumon is able to Digivolve again.
Episode 19: The Prisoner of the Pyramid
In the desert, T.K. finds the crest of Hope. The children realize that the Digiworld is inside a computer network. This makes Tai cocky because he thinks, wrongly, that since it's not real he can't be hurt. Datamon kidnaps Sora in his plot for revenge against Etemon. Once Tai realizes that he's not invincible, he hesitates and is unable to save Sora.
Episode 20: The Earthquake of MetalGreymon
Tai saves Sora from Datamon and Sora finds her Crest. Datamon tries to destroy Etemon, but Etemon escapes and attacks the children. Agumon Digivolves into MetalGreymon and defeats Etemon, but he and Tai are swallowed up in a dimensional warp created by the battle.
Episode 21: Home Away from Home
Tai finds himself back in the real world. When he arrives home, he realizes that no time has passed since he has been in the Digiworld. Realizing that the problems in the Digiworld are having an effect on the real world, Tai and Agumon return to the Digiworld.
Episode 22: Forget about it!
When Tai and Agumon return to the Digiworld, they find Tokomon but not T.K. Tokomon tells them what has happened in their absence, including the fact that T.K. has left hum to go off with a strange Digimon named DemiDevimon. Once T.K. realizes that he has been lied to, he joins up with Tai, Agumon and Patamon.
Episode 23: Were Garurumon's Diner
Matt finds Joe and Gomamon being forced to workin a diner. Matt starts working there too, to help Joe, but DemiDevimon's plotting causes Matt to abandon Joe. Tai and T.K. find Matt and they realize what DemiDevimon has been doing. Gabumon Digivolves into WereGarurumon and defeats the owner of the diner. The Children break into two groups to search for the others.
Episode 24: No Questions Please
Izzy and Tentamon are searching for Gennai when they are captured by Vademon. Izzy abandons his curiosity and becomes indifferent to anything that happens. Tentamon becomes so sad he devolves into Motimon; only then does Izzy realize what he's done. Once Izzy gets back his curiosity, his Tag and his Crest, Tentamon is able to evolve into Kabuterimon and defeat Vademon. Gennai gives Izzy the Digimon Analyzer.
Episode 25: Princess Karaoke
Tai and Joe find Mimi in a castle belonging to the Gekomon and the Otamamon. These Digimon want Mimi to sing a song to revive their master, ShogunGekomon, but Mimi acts like a spoiled brat instead. Realizing her selfishness, Mimi revives ShogunGekomon, but he attacks the children instead of thanking them. It takes MetalGreymon's strength to defeat him.
Episode 26: Sora's Crest of Love
All the children are together again, except for Sora. DemiDevimon had convinced her that she was unworthy of the Crest of Love, and so she's reluctant to join the others. When she finally realizes that she is loved and able to love, Biyomon Digivolves into Garudamon.
Episode 27: The Gateway to Home
Gennai once again appears to the children and tells them that Myotismon is planning to invade Earth in search of the eighth DigiDestined. They head to Myotismon's castle and battle DemiDevimon, Gatomon and DeviDramon, but the gate to Earth closes before their eyes.
Episode 28: It's All in the Cards
Gennai tells the children that they must use cards to open the gate to the real world. But there is one card too many, and Gennai does not know which one is the extra one. While fending off attacks from Myotismon's henchmen, Tai manages to get the cards in the right order and opens the gate to the real world. They find themselves back at the camp.
Episode 29: Return to Highton View Terrace
Pretending their Digimon are stuffed animals, the children make their way to Highton View Terrace, where they realize that four years ago they witnessed a battle between two Digimon here. Believing that this is the reason they were chosen as the DigiDestined, they conclude that the eighth child must also have seen the battle.
Episode 30: Almost Home Free
Since the eighth child was not at Highton View Terrace, the children decide he must be in Odaiba, and they try to make their way home. Without thinking, they use all their money on food and are left with no way home. While they try to figure out a way back, Sora's cousin drives by and offers them a ride. But Gesomon attacks them before they get far. Since the battle has already made such a scene, they give up any pretense of hiding their Digimon and use Ikkakumon to give them a ride home.
Episode 31: The Eighth Digivice
The children return to their own homes and, although they realize no time has passed while they were in the DigiWorld, they are very happy to see their families again. Gennai e-mails Izzy and tells him that another Digimon, Raremon, has appeared. Unable to reach anyone else, Izzy and Tentomon set out on their own. While out, Izzy's Digivice starts reacting, and he is convinced that the eighth DigiDestined must live nearby.
Episode 32: Gatomon Comes Calling
Deciding that the eighth child must also have lived in Highton View Terrace, the children get ou their old address books and have Joe call everyone listed to see if anyone has moved. The other children split up and search the city. Back at the Kamiya residence, Gatomon finds Kari, but is unsure whether she is the eighth child.
Episode 33: Out of Town
Matt and T.K. are taking the subway home when T.K. and Patamon get into a fight. Patamon gets off the train and the others follow in search of him. They meet Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, two of Myotismon's henchmen who are more interested in having fun than in capturing the DigiDestined. This doesn't sit too well with Myotismon, though, and he sentences them to life in his dungeon. Patamon comes by and, seeing T.K. in danger, digivolves into Angemon. Myotismon escapes and returns to his hideout.
Episode 34: The Eigth Child Revealed
Across the way from Kari's window Gatomon watches, still unable to decide what to do. Wizardmon finds the eighth Digivice and brings it to Gatomon. It jolts her into remembering her past. Realizing that Kari is indeed the eighth child and that she is her Digimon partner, Gatomon heads for Myotismon's hideout to reclaim Kari's lost Crest. Unfortunately, Myotismon realizes he's been betrayed and takes Gatomon hostage.
Episode 35: Flower Power
Seeing on a news broadcast that there is no communication with Odaiba because of the fog, T.K. decides to find Matt. Joe is also trying to get back to Odaiba, and when he meets up with T.K., they use Ikkakumon to get across the bay. Myotismon captures Mimi and her family, and Palmon digivolves into Lillymon to save them from Dark Tyranomon.
Episode 36: City Under Seige
Birdramon takes the injured Lillymon and escapes along with Sora. Tai leaves Kari with Matt and goes to find the hostages. He meets up with Sora and tells her to find Matt and Kari. Meanwhile, T.K. and Joe are attacked by MegaSeadramon. Ikkakumon Digivolves into Zudomon and saves the day. Back in Odaiba, Kari turns herself into Myotismon's henchman, saying she doesn't want anyone else to get hurt because of her.
Episode 37: Wizardmon's Gift
The children all meet up at the TV station, along with Matt's dad. Wizardmon tells them about Kari and Gatomon. With Matt's dad showing them the way, they come to the place where Kari is being held by Myotismon. With her Crest and Digivice finally in hand, Kari is able to make Gatomon digivolve into Angewomon. Angewomon defeats Myotismon, but the mysterious fog remains.
Episode 38: Prophecy
Izzy receives an e-mail from Gennai telling them of an ancient prophecy regarding Myotismon. Believing they had defeated him already, the children give it little thought. But soon things start happening just like the prophecy foretold, and Myotismon is revived as VenomMyotismon. Izzy finds out that VenomMyotismon is at a previously unknown level: Mega. With help from Angemon and Angewomon, Agumon and Gabumon are able to warp-digivolve to Mega too, becoming WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.
Episode 39: The Battle For Earth
The other Digimon Digivolve and join the fight against VenomMyotismon. With their combined strength they are finally able to defeat him. Once he's gone the fog clears, but everything is not back to normal. Floating in the sky is a huge landmass, the DigiWorld. Myotismon's prisoners awake and the children are reunited with their parents, but only for a short time. They know they must return to the DigiWorld.
Episode 40: Enter the Dark Masters
Arriving in the DigiWorld, the children look up and realize they can see the real world in the sky, just as they could see the DigiWorld in the sky from Earth. They meet Chuumon, who tells them how the Dark Masters have taken over and rebuilt the DigiWorld with Spiral Mountain as its center. The Dark Masters attack, but the children are saved at the last minute by Piximon, who holds them off while the children make their escape
Episode 41: Seasick and Tired
The children find themselves back on the beach at File Island. They head for a shack on the beach, but Mimi and Joe are separated from the others. The other children are attack by Scorpiomon. The captured children are saved at the last minute by Lillymon and Zudomon, who defeat Scorpiomon. Unfortunately, they still aren't strong enough to stand up to MetalSeadramon, and it looks like they might lose this one.
Episode 42: Under Pressure
The children are saved by Whamon, but MetalSeadramon sends his Divermon to search the ocean for them. Izzy finds out that WarGreymon's weapons are called Dramon Destroyers, meaning they are particularly effective against Dramon-type Digimon like MetalSeadramon. When they finally emerge from the ocean they find MetalSeadramon waiting for them, and WarGreymon battles him.
Episode 43: Playing Games
The children defeat MetalSeadramon and head into the forest. As they get further in, they notice the ground below them has turned into a conveyor belt and is moving forward. Soon, even stranger things start happening. The children begin disappearing one by one until only Matt and T.K. are left. With the others out of the way, Puppetmon kidnaps T.K. and takes him to his mansion. But when Puppetmon isn't looking, T.K. manages to escape and free the others.
Episode 44: Trash Day
Seeing T.K. able to take care of himself, Matt becomes depressed, thinking that his little brother doesn't need him anymore. Matt and Gabumon leave the group to travel on their own. In the forest they meet Cherrymon, who tells them that Matt must defeat his rival, Tai, to become the person he wants to be. Meanwhile, the other children are busy battling Puppetmon's henchmen. Matt and Gabumon return to where the others are and,with Gabumon Digivolved to MetalGarurumon, challenge Tai and Agumon to a duel.
Episode 45: The Ultimate Clash
At first Tai and Agumon don't want to fight, but seeing they have no choice, Augumon Digivolves into WarGreymon. In the middle of the fight, Kari's body is taken over by an unknown presence. This presence speaks to the children, telling them about the DigiWorld and why they were chosen to be the DigiDestined. Tai and Matt make up, but Matt still decides to travel alone. Not wanting to see any more fighting, Mimi stays behind. Joe stays with her to try and convince her to rejoin the group.
Episode 46: Etemon's Comeback Tour
The rest of the children head for Puppetmon's mansion. Mimi and Joe find an unconscious Ogremon who, once he comes to, decides to join them after seeing their kindness in tending to his wounds. Puppetmon attacks them but is distracted by MetalEtemon. The children escape.
Episode 47: Ogremon's Honor
Joe and Mimi meet up with Leomon, who Digivolved into Saber Leomon while they were gone from the DigiWorld. They arrive at the restaurant where Joe and Matt were forced to work. MetalEtemon appears again and battles Leomon. He is defeated, but Leomon is fatally wounded, too. Before he dies, he tells the children that he will be reborn in Primary Village. Meanwhile, the other children were doing their best against Puppetmon, but it looked like a losing battle until MetalGarurumon appeared and defeated the evil Digimon.
Episode 48: My Sister's Keeper
Kari has a relapse of her cold, so Izzy and Tai go out looking for medicine. MachineDramon is able to locate them through Izzy's computer and sends his Metal Empire Army after them. Once Izzy realizes how they are being located, he uses a program that hides their location. Unfortunately, MachineDramon is not easily discouraged and simply begins bombing the whole area. The children fall into a huge pit and are separated.
Episode 49: The Crest of Light
Kari, T.K. and Sora find themselves in a huge sewer and search for the others. But instead of Izzy and Tai, they find WereMonzaemon, who is acting as a slave driver over a bunch of Numemon. Kari and Gatomon free the Numemon while the other Digimon attempt to distract WereMonzaemon. Although they're tired, Kar's light revives them, and they defeat the evil Digimon and continue to search for Tai and Izzy. The children are reunited, but MachineDramon finds them and attacks. Agumon Digivolves into WarGreymon and defeats MachineDramon.
Episode 50: Joe's Battle
After defeating MachineDramon, the children find the castle of the last of the Dark Masters. There they are faced with LadyDevimon, and the Digimon Digivolve one after another. Knowing that all their strength will be needed for the battle with Piedmon, Tai sends Sora and T.K. to search for Matt and the others. Meanwhile, Mimi and Joe arrive at the ruins of Primary Village and are saddened to find many Digimon turned to stone. There they meet Elecmon, who had found Matt's harmonica on the beach. Joe decides to follow Matt and, with Gomamon, sets off across the sea. Back at the castle, LadyDevimon is finally defeated and Piedmon appears.
Episode 51: The Crest of Friendship
Tai and the others finally arrive at Piedmon's castle on top of Spiral Mountain. Meanwhile, Matt and Gabumon are wandering in a dark cave created by the darkness in Matt's heart. But with Gabumon's encouragement, Matt realizes his true feelings and the cave disappears. Matt is reunited with Joe, but as they head for Spiral Mountain they find T.K., who tells them that Sora has fallen into a cave -- the same cave that Matt had been in. When the others persuade her that she doesn't have to be responsible for everything, Sora's negative feelings disappear, and so does the cave. They hurry back to the castle to find an injured Tai and WarGreymon fighting Piedmon. Matt's Crest of Friendship brings them back from the brink of death, and the two Megas attack the enemy.
Episode 52: Piedmon's Last Jest
Just when all the Digimon are attacking, Piedmon brings out a white handkerchief and turns Tai, Matt, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon into dolls. The other children run away, but they can't escape Piedmon. One after the other, they are turned into dolls until only T.K. and Kari remain. Just when T.K. is about to give up hope, the doll of Matt which he has been holding encourages him to keep fighting. His Crest of Hope glows and Angemon Digivolves into MagnaAngemon and revives the other children and Digimon. MagnaAngemon defeats Piedmon, but before they can begin celebrating, the children receive an e-mail from Gennai informing them that the Dark Masters were not the true threat to the Digiworld.
Episode 53: The Final Battle
The children fall into an endless world of darkness. All the negative energy coalesces into one being and it comes at them, using the attacks of all the Digimon the children had fought in the past. The Digimon devolve and the children lose their tags and crests. Then, everyone is broken down into data. The children are at a loss, but the Digimon encourage them and they regain hope. Their chests begin to glow with the shapes of their crests and the Digimon Digivolve to their highest forms. Before their eyes is the enemy Digimon.
Episode 54: The End of Summer
It seems they have defeated the evil Digimon, but with his dying breath he threatens to take the whole world with him. Determined not to give up, the children fight on, and their crests seal the enemy, saving the world from destruction. Although the children wish to stay longer in the DigiWorld, Gennai tells them that unless they return home now they will be erased during the reconstruction of the DigiWorld. Saying goodbye to their Digimon, the children return home.
Season 2
Episode 1: Enter FlameDramon
It's been 3 years since the Digidestined defeated Apocalymon. Tai recieves and Emergancy call from Agumon and heads straight to the Digital World and tells agumon to Digivolve, but he can't because of a new thing called a Dark Tower set up by a new evil the Digimon Emperor. He meets Patamon and Gatomon and they go into a cave where he tries to lift up a weird looking egg, three little gold balls fly out and Disappear. They come threw the computer and end up in the hands of Davis, Yolei and Cody. Kari, TK and Davis head to the Digital world Izzy is about to go but then Yolei walks in. In the Digital World, They all try to pick up the Egg but only Davis can, and out comes his own Digimon V-mon! He uses the Digi-egg and V-mon Armor Digivolves into Flamedramon
Episode 2: The Digi-Team Complete.
Davis and the others saved the Digital World and returned to the real world. Then the next day, Yolei, Cody and Davis, along with Izzy and Sora as guides, went to the Digital World. It seemed like a picnic to Yolei and she was very excited. But the Digimon Emperor had been waiting for her and suddenly began attacking... Davis was defeated and captured by The Emperor. When all she was able to do was leave Davis and run away, Yolei realized the harsh reality of the digital world.
Episode 3: A New Digitude.
First Davis, then Yolei and Cody got the power to fight the Digimon Emperor. But T.K.'s and Kari's digimon, Patamon and Gatomon, had their power to digivolve sealed by the Black Digivice and were unable to even fight! The Emperor concentrated his attacks on Patamon and Gatomon. Able only to run away as Davis and the others protected them, T.K.'s and Kari's hearts were filled with despair. But when they looked deep within a cave they happened to hide in, what they saw were two Digi-eggs with the Crests of Hope and Light engraved on them...
Episode 4: Iron Veggiemon.
In order to save the Digimon from his dominion, Davis and the others began battling the Digimon Emperor. Emporer used his Black Digivice and Evil Rings to further expand his territory. Then another town fell into The Emperor's hands. With a fearless smile on his face and the Dark Tower at his back, The Emperor looked down upon the village. With their town surrounded by The Emperor's minions, the villagers had no choice but to obey his command. There was just one among them who watched for the The Emperor's weakness, Matt's digimon, Gabumon. Gabumon planned to lead the villagers away while The Emperor was away from the village. But what awaited him was RedVegiemon's torture rack!
Episode 5: Old Reliable
In the frozen wasteland of the North, an unknown sound echoed. There The Emperor forced the Gizamon to build him a huge prison. When Gomamon opposed the cruel plan, The Emperor attacked him. Sensing Gomamon's danger, Joe threw down his test and ran to the computer room. The Digidestined and Joe head to the Digital world to battle.
Episode 6: Family Picnic
It's The Weekend! The Digidestined take a break. The New Digidestined(Including TK and Kari) and Mimi head to the Digital World for a picnic. Hawkmon Runs off chasing a piece of food and Yolei follows him, then mimi follows Yolei, they end up in a trap made by the Digimon Emperor. Where the Roachmon attack. Luckily Togemon Is there to help them!
Episode 7: Guardian Angel
When the Digidestined are destroying a Control Spire in metal city the Gaurdromon are to much for them to handle so they live. But the Digi-Port is destroyed before one of them can make it, Kari. Kari and Gatomon are trapped in the Digi-World with no way out. Then Davis and TK Go in the digi-world through a digi-port close . Andromon Attacks Kari because he has a Dark Ring. Kari Convinces him that she knows him, and he used to be so nice. And with her Digivice the Dark Ring is destroyed.
Episode 8: Ken's Secret
It was the first game of the soccer season, and Davis was going against last years champion team, and Ken Ichijouji the boy genius was on that side. Davis did bad the whole game, but at kens final shot he slid and hits kens ankle. In the Digital World Davis was Captured by the Emperor and he noticed he had the same scar as the Boy Genius Ichijouji Ken! The Digimon Emperor is Ken!
Episode 9: The Emperor's New Home
Ken has left the Real World and has made the Digital World his new home, now that his identity had been revealed. The Emperor went after Agumon! Using the Black Rings and forced him to Digivolve to Metal Greymon. But the Evil power was to powerful Metal Greymon went wild and started attacking everything in site!
Episode 10: The Captive Digimon
When Tai heard that agumon was captured Tai joins the new DigiDestined to find and free agumon. The Digimon Emperor has learned that his Dark Rings don't have enough power to control Ultimate level Digimon. Wormmon helps Agumon escape. Agumon meets up with Tai again but the Empeor attacks and he has a new Imrpoved Dark Ring, He captures agumon and he digivolves into a Virus Metal Greymon!
Episode 11: Storm of Friendship
The Digidestined are searching for Agumon, and Cody notices a Digi-Egg on his d-3. They go in search for it, and find it. Everyone but Davis tries to lift it, because he thinks it's definately not for him. Then Flymon flies in and hits patamon away from TK. The Digimon Emperor shows up on metal greymon and tries to put the Dark Spiral around Patamon. Then Garurumon shows up with matt and saves him. Seeing Tai and Matts friendship Davis realizes how much veemon means to him and that he should've saved him and The Digi-Egg of Friendship helps Veemon to Armor Digivolve into Raidramon and Agumon is Saved!!
Episode 12: The Good the Bad and The Digi
Biyomon sends out an emergancy call from the Digital World, and Sora and the New Digidestined rush to the Digital World, while Kari and TK stay home. TK sleeping and Kari just relaxing They end up in an Old Western town. As they walk around exploring the Town they meet Starmon, who gives them something to drink at the Salloon, and shows that he has a Dark Spiral and Throws them into Jail. The Digimon don't have enough strength to Digivolve, so they're trapped! Deputymon comes and releases the Girls For a game of cards. And then Starmon noticed deputymon freed the Girls and they have a Duel. And Davis and Cody escape. Starmon wins, But then Flamedramon attack Starmon.
Episode 13: His Masters Voice
Kari has been having strange nightmares laely, then one day during class she had one, TK notcied that she was Digitalized, only he could notice though. When Kari went to the beach she was transported into another Dimension, where she met some Scubamon/Divermon with Dark Spirals around them. She tried to help them,then Airdramon attacked. Then TK Gatomon and Patamon saw Kari's image calling out for help in the sky. They Jumped and went through the Dimensions gate and faught Airdramon. Pegasusmon destroyed the Dark Tower and Gatomon Digivolves into Angewomon and destroyed Airdramon and freed the Scuba/Divermon. The Scubamon turn into shadowy creatures and try to convince Kari to be their Queen. Angemon warns them with a shot. They went back into the sea and warned the Digidestined that their Master will get them...
Episode 14: Samurai of Sincerity
The Digidestined go to the Digital World in search of a Digi-Egg that showed up on their D-3. They come upon a Restaurant and stop to eat. When Yolei goes to pay Digitamamon says she can only pay with Digi-Dollars, well, they don't have Digi-Dollars. Then TK remembers that's where Matt and Joe were forced to work 3 years ago. Then Mimi and Micheal come to save the day! Micheal is also a digidestined from America. Mimi convinced Digitamamon to give them a free meal. Gorillamon attacks and Micheal's Digimon Digivolves To Seadramon. Seadramon gets rid of the Black Spiral around Gorillamon. Digitamamon got a Dark Spiral stuck in his shell and goes to the Digidestined to settle the score. Yolei realizes that you shouldn't judge a Book by it's Cover and the Digi-Egg of Sincerity shows up and Hawkmon Digivolves to Shurimon and destroys the Dark Spiral.
Episode 15: Big Trouble in Little Edo
The Digidestined go to The Digital World and end-up in an old Samurai Town. They meet up with Ninjamon, an enemy of Shurimon. Shurimon and Ninjamon face-off. The Digidestined meet up with Gekomon and go into their underground hideout. Then ShowgunGekomon gets a Dark Spiral around him and the Children quickly run out of the underground hideout. In order to destroy the Dark Tower They trick ShogunGekomon into destroying the dark tower with his Musical Fist attack.
Episode 16: 20,000 Digi-Leagues under the Sea
The Digidestined go to the Digital World in Search of a new Digi-Egg. Then they get trapped in an oil platform searching for it when seadramon attacks and it starts to flood and they have to seel themselves in. Cody is scared of being under water afraid he'll never get out so the Digidestined Decide he should go in a little escape submarine and find Joe. He gets Joe and Ikkakumon Comes to the rescue. When Cody comes back they have found the Digi-Egg of Reliability and Armadillomon Digivolves into Submarimon.
Episode 17: Ghost of a Chance
August First, The Defeat of Myotismon. All the Digidestined, Old and New came together and talked about it. At the Odaiba TV station there was a Ghost that everyone had been seeing. The Digidestined went there and followed it to find out it Was Wizardmon. Wizardmon told them That 'Kindness Will Release The Golden Radience and Kindness alone won't be able to defeat the Darkness.
Episode 18: Run Yolei Run
Izzy and Cody discover the Emperors base. But when they come back with the Other Digidestined it's gone. Yolei wants to be the one to save the day and Hawkmon gets hurt because of that. Kari and Gatomon stay behind with Yolei and Hawkmon while the others go in search of the base. Mean While The Emperor is Preparing the ultimate Digimon Kimeramon!
Episode 19: An Old Enemy Returns
The Digimon Emporer creates a digimon of his own, Kimeramon. Kimeramon is made up of Kabuterimon's head, the hair of Metalgreymon, the wings of Angemon and Airdramon, and the arms of, Skullgreymon Kuwagamon and Devimon's. TK and Cody sneak into his base, and TK heads off alone to get revenge on the Emporer.
Episode 20: The Darkness Before Dawn
The Digimon Emperor and Kimeramon are attacking all the towns in the Digital World. The Digidestined decide it's time to take action. Kimeramon is to much for all the Digidestined, eventogether. But Davis isn't planning to give up so he goes in search of something to stop the best. Wormmon shows Davis the Central power source for the Base. And he finds a Golden Digi-Egg with the crest of Kindness on it, and V-mon Armor Digivolves into Magnamon.
Episode 21: The Crest Of Kindness
Magnamon and Kimeramon battle. Ken's Base crashed and he hopped onto Devidramon's back. Wormmon realizes it's up to him to change The Digimon Emperor back into his old self, and he bursts into tears remembering the sweet ken he used to know. Then he knocks The Digimon Emperor off Devidramon's Back and Goes to attack Kimeramon, he is easily beat and he gives the last of his power to Magnamon. Magnamon then destroys Kimeramon. The Digidestined are all huddled together around wormmon, when The Digimon Emperor realizes he's done nothing but wrong and turns back into his normal self. Davis finds a crest, when Ken comes over to wormmon the crest glows and goes to Ken. Wormmon tells Ken that it's his. Then Wormmon is deleted, and Ken returns home into the real World.
Episode 22: Davis Cries Wolfman
The Digidestined go to the Digital World to clean up the mess that the Digimon Emperor made. Davis tries to trick V-mon into digivolving into his Champion form to Impress Kari. He just can't trick him, until a bolder rolls after them and it hits Tortomon. Tortomon thinks they threw the bolder at him and Chased after them. V-mon then digivolved into X-V-mon.
Episode 23: Genesis of Evil
Ken is asleep and cannot wake-up until he figures out who he is. He is Dreaming of when he was Younger and when he went into the Digital World for the First time and How he became the Digimon Emperor. He thens wakes up and his Mother and Father are there He doesn't know who they are. Then He goes into the Digital to find wormmon, He goes to Primary Village, all the Baby Digimon yell at him and tell him he'll never see Wormmon again. Then his Crest Glows and he sees a glowing Egg. It's Wormmon it hatches and out comes Wormmons baby form Leafmon. He and leafmon return home. He remembers who he is now.
Episode 24: If I had a Tail Hammer
There is a lady in Ken's room and tells him he has failed as emperor. The Digidestined go back to the Digital World to continue cleaning up. They return to the Digital World to clean up again the next day. Davis tries to digi-volve V-mon but he can't. TK and Kari leave to see if Patamon and Gatomon can digivolve, they can't. They noticed that there was still a control spire up that was working. Yolei and Cody go to continue cleaning up with their digimon while davis stays behind and plays with the Punimon that were waiting there when they came. Cody and Digmon are about to fix up an underground area when Thundermon appears and starts attacking them. Armadillomon digivolves into Ankylomon. Cody and Ankylomon go back above ground. Cody is blown into the sky and saved by Stingmon. Stingmon defeats Thundermon. Ken appears and Stingmon flies back to ken and de-volves into Wormmon. Cody noticed that the control spire had vanished.
Episode 25: Spirit Needle
Davis talks to the others about Ken joining with them, They all disagree about him and have their doubts except TK. Davis runs into Davis by the water and tells him that he should consider joining them. Ken says he just can't do that. Yolei debates about weather Ken is trustworthy or not. Ken and Stingmon went back to the digital world and it was covered with control spires. Mimi and Palmon are in the Digital World the next day and there is a mysterious woman and she turns a Control Spire into a Digimon with a hair, Golemon. Palmon passes out and Mimi sends out a distress call to the Digidestined. They come and Golemon is about to destroy the Dam. The Digimon attack but that's not enough Golemon makes a hole in the dam. The Digimon stop the water but Golemon tries again to destroy the Dam. The Digimon try to attack him but get easily defeated. Stingmon stops Golemon from breaking the dam. Palmon wakes up and tells them that Golemon isn't a real digimon. Yolei realizes that Ken has changed, and Hawkomon digivolves into Aquilamon. Stingmon and Aquilamon defeat Golemon together.
Episode 26: United We Stand
Davis and the Digidestined go back to the Digital world and rebuild a Bridge when Arukenimon appears and creates Minotarumon using Spirit Needle and sends him to destroy the Bridge. Pegusmon, Nefertimon and Raidramon destroy him together. The Digidestined talk about Ken and him joining them, some of them are still unsure of him. Izzy sends a message to Cody about something strange going on at The Digimon Emperor's Base and the Digidestined go over there. Meanwhile Ken and Stingmon are destroying a ton of the Dark Spires. Davis emails Izzy to tell Ken to come to help them. Arukenimon appears on Ken's screen and tells him that it wasn't his Idea to create the Dark Spires and she was really just using him. Izzy calls Ken and Kena dn Wormmon head to the Digital World. Arukenimon appears and creates Okuwamon. All the Digimon digivolve but they're unsuccessful. Ken arrives and Wormmon Digivolves into Stingmon. X-Vmon and Davis fight over the fact that they need Stingmon and Ken to join them. Then their digivices go off and Stingmon and XV-mon "DNA" (Jogress.. fusion) Digivolve into Paildramon!
Episode 27: Fusion Confusion
Paildramon battles with Okuwamon and The digidestined head into Ken's base, and Davis and Ken run ahead the others. Ken sticks in his crest of kindness and the power shuts off and the warp returns to normal. The emporer's base starts to fall apart, and Izzy email's Cody to tell him that the warp is getting worse not better! Ken tells the digidestined that they need to follow some pipes, they lead to the main reactor and the power can be shut off. They reach the main source of the reactors power, The warp is getting even worse. Paildramon destroys Okuwamon and then comes into the emporer's base and destroys the reactors source of power. Paildramon then completely destroys the base so that it can't be used ever again. Ken still doesn't think he deserves to join the digidestined, and heads home alone with Leafmon, the rest of the Digidestined head home too. The digidestined head over to Izzy's house and he explains about DNA Digivolving, and how they were called back to release the power of their crests to protect the Digital world.
Episode 28: The Insect Masters Trap
The Digidestined destroy more of the control spires. Back home in the computer lab, they all talk about DNA Digivolving. In the Digital World, after destroying a bunch of Control Spires Ken and Wormmon talk about DNA Digivolving too. Davis gets an email from Arukenimon telling them to come to the "Giga House" The Digidestined all meet together at the house which is HUGE. Ken Davis and Cody head into the giant house together not knowing Arukenimon is spying on them. An army of Roachmon come climbing out of the sink, and outside a swarmon of flymon come flying towards Yolei, Kari and Tk! Veemon digivolves to Ex-veemon and wormmon digivolves to Stingmon, and Armadillomon digivolves to Ankylomon and start destroying the Roachmon. Patamon and Gatomon armor Digivolves, and Hawkmon digivolves to Aquilamon they break into the house trying to get away from the flymon. Some Kunemon come and attack Stingmon and Stingmon and Ken fly into a giant washer! Ankylomon de-digivolves and then armor digivolves Submarimon, he saves Ken and Stingmon. Ken, cody and Davis run into Arukenimon playing a flute, which she uses to control Stingmon to fight ex-veemon. Armadillomon armor digivolves to Digmon. Arukenimon uses her flute to control him too! Ken, Cody and Davis end up stuck in a spider web with Dokugumon!
Episode 29: Arukenimon's Tangeled Web
Cody e-mail's the others asking for help, but they're all to busy with digimon attacking them! Ken and Davis kick of piece of wood at a thermostat which turned on an airconditionar and blew Dokugumon off the web. Ken, Cody, Davis and Veemon hide in a huge dresser drawer but before they knew it Digmon was drilling through it! Cody and Ken decide that they need to manipulate the sound of the flute, so they email Yolei, and tell her to use the computer to use a sound program to do that. TK and Kari help her get it all set up, they record the sound and mix it up then replay it and the digimon stop attacking. Arukenimon shows them her true form and attacks. Veemon digivolves and the Digimon all try to attack her, she's to fast for them. Stingmon and Ex-veemon DNA Digivolves into Paildramon and trick Arukenimon intro coming into the Dining room where the digidestined attack her and then Paildramon stops her with his Desperado Blaster and they question her. Mummymon appears to help Arukenimon and attacks the digimon right on!
Episode 30 : Ultimate Anti-Hero
The digidestined destroy more of the control spires. Cody and Ken still aren't talking and Davis tries to get them to work together as a team by tricking them. Cody and Ken are angry about that, Ken leaves because he thinks not every team member wants him around. Arukenimon is frustrated that she cannot create a digimon powerful enough to defeat the digidestined. She has tried using 1 control spire and then 10 control spires. She decides to make a digimon from 100 control spires, and does so. The digimon is called "Black WarGreymon" and is much more then the digidestined can handle. Even with Paildromon, Aquilamon, Pegasusmon, and Nefertimon, the digidestined can't even scratch black wargeymon. Arukenimon gives the order for him to finish the digidestined off, but he refuses, and claims that no one who is less powerful then him should give him orders, and flies off.
Episode 31 : Opposites Attract
Arukenimon and Mummymon are driving around tracking Black WarGreymon. In the computer lab they talk about Black Wargreymon then head to the Digital world to find Black Wargreymon when Gatomon realizes they're in the spot she lost her Tail ring. Yolei and Kari head off in search of it and come to find Ken screaming because he sees the Dark Ocean. Cody Davis and TK are searching for Gatomon's Tail ring, when Davis looks at his Digivice and see's there are three signals now and runs after them to see who the third signal is. Yolei spots Davis and runs towards him but they go right through eachother and Davis can't even see them. Hearing the waves of the Dark Ocean, Kari runs towards it, Ken and Yolei follow her, but only Ken and Kari can see the ocean. Arukenimon creates Blossomon with her Spirit Needle attack and she comes to attack Yolei, Ken, and Kari. Hawkmon and Wormmon digivolve to fight Blossomon. Kari starts to think that she can't stand the darkness anymore and can't win then Yolei smacks some sense into her. A pink light surrounds Kari and Yolei, Hawkmon and Gatomon DNA Digivolve into Silphymon and defeat Blossomon!
Episode 32 : If only I had a Heart
Black Wargreymon comes upon a herd of Mammothmon made by Arukenimon and easily defeats them without a scratch on himself. Black Wargreymon wonders why he feels so empty, Arukenimon tells him they're not real feelings but he won't believe it. Arukenimon Flee the scene to find the Destiny stone. Davis and Ken both get an email from Kari saying they need them to come to the Digital World. Arukenimon uses her spirit needle attack to create Knightmon so he can destroy the Destiny Stone. Black Wargreymon heads off into the sunset and runs into Agumon and talks to him about having a heart and find out why he was created, what his purpose was. Kari and Davis see Knightmon destroying the Destiny Stone, all digidestined arrive and their digimon try to stop him. The Digimon DNA Digivolve and unsuccesfully try to defeat Knightmon and the Destiny Stone is starting to be destroyed. Black Wargreymon quickly leaves Agumon and goes to the Destiny Stone and completely destroys it.
Episode 33 : A Chance Encounter
Yolei is on a school trip in Kyoto and leaves Poromon at Izzy's house. Ken goes to Izzy's house and they talk about the D-3's and that Ken must've wished for a new Digivice and the other kids did too in their self-conscience. Ken decides to take Poromon to the Digital World with him. In Kyoto, Yolei sees Black Wargreymon faded in the sky, in the Digital World he was destroying a Destiny stone and created a warp. Only Yolei could see him and other blobs in the real world. One of the dark blobs turns into Apemon. Joe's brother Jim is there filming a movie and sees the Digimon in the camera. Stingmon comes and saves Yolei, and takes Apemon back to the Digital world with him and Ken Drops off Poromon with Yolei. Jim and Sora's father come up to Yolei and ask her if she called out Digimon. They pick her up to drive her back to her school group and tell her who they are and about the 4 spirits surrounding Kyoto. Yolei spots the black blobs of Digimon in the road, and one of them turns into Musyamon. Poromon digivolves to Hawkmon tries to attack, then armor Digivolves into Shurimon and chases Musyamon down. Yolei opens the digiport and they send Musyamon back to the Digital World.
Episode 34 : Destiny in Doubt
Black Wargreymon still wanders around trying to find out why he was made and to find the next destiny stones. The digidestined talk about the destiny stones, they need to protect them because if they don't several different dimensions could get all mixed up together and in the end each world could end up be covered in darkness. Then they head to the Digital world to track down Black Wargreymon before he destroys the destiny stone. Black Wargreymon destroys the destiny stone before the Digidestined even get there, after he destroyed it he saw a Giant digimon whom he thinks is his nemises. The digidestined head home and return to the Digital World the next day. They split up in search of the next Destiny Stone. Gabumon comes up to TK and Cody and tells them that there's a destiny stone just on the other side of the mountain, and that Black Warygreymon does have a heart. Cody doesn't know how they can destroy a creature that has a heart, but TK thinks that he has to be destroyed because he's been turned evil. The other digidestined head off to find the Destiny stone and TK and Cody stay behind. Black Wargreymon get's closer and closer to the Destiny stone and the Digimon DNA Digivolve and try to stop him, Arukenimon and Mummymon pop in and start to attack. TK and Cody are just walking by above and Kari screams for help, Patamon and Armadillomon digivolve. It's not an easy battle for them until the destiny releases power and Angemon digivolves into Magnaangemon!! Unfortunately Magnaangemon can't stop Black Wargreymon and the destiny stone is still destroyed.
Episode 35: Cody Takes A Stand
The Digidestined hid a destiny stone from Arukenimon and Mummymon but Black Wargreymon appeared and destroyed it. Once again the digimon whom he thinks is his nemises appears. The Digidestined quickly head back the real world because the sky is starting to suck things in. In the Real World, Davis invites Ken to sleep over at his house and Yolei and Kari to dinner. Cody goes to see Matt and Matt tells him about the fight with Devimon 3 years ago. Black Wargreymon continues his hunt for the next destiny stone. Davis gets a call in the morning from Kari telling him and ken to come to the digital world because they found another destiny stone. Black Wargreymon finds the destiny stone in the Digital world and the Digimon DNA Digivolve. The Digimon stop Black Wargreymon before he gets to the destiny stone, but right after that he split a path in the water where the destiny stone is. Cody runs in front of the stone to try and stop him by telling him that he does have a heart and to stop destroying the destiny stones. Black Wargreymon charges at cody and Angemon saves him just in time and yet another destiny stone is destroyed.
Episode 36: Stone Soup
In the Digital World Arukenimon and Mummymon come to a chinese retaraunt and can't resist the smell of the soup so they go into eat. The digidestined can smell the aroma of the soup and head off to find the restuarant. When they get there they see that Arukenimon and Mummymon are in there eating. All of the Digimon Digivolve and attack straight on towards Arukenimon and Mummymon. Hawkmon and Gatomon try to DNA Digivolve but they just can't do it. Arukenimon and Mummymon escape. Ken runs into the restuarant and they decide that they need to replenish their digimon's strength. Arukenimon and Mummymon come accross a pool filled with the soup, Mummymon takes a slurp of it and the final destiny stone rises out of it. Black Wargreymon and the Digidestined all come to the scene after seeing a bright blue light. Ankylomon and Angemon DNA Digivolve for the first time, into Shakkoumon!
Episode 37: Kyoto Dragon
Black Wargreymon continues to try an destroy the final destiny stone. He tries to use his Terra Destroyer attack but Shakkoumon absorbs the power and attack back at Black Wargreymon. Black Wargreymon is still determined to destroy the Final destiny stone, even if it means his own destruction, he has to find out what his purpose is. The Digidestined try to move the Destiny stone with their d-3's and a light shoots out of the spots where all the Destiny stones and combine together, thus Azulongmon appears. He asks Black Wargreymon why he destroyed the destiny stones, and that because of that the world has become unbalanced. Black Wargreymon leaves because he now knows what his purpose was. Azulongmon plants "seeds of life" where the destiny stones formaly were in hopes to balance the digital world. He tells them that there is an even greater darkness out there.
Episode 38: A Very Digi-Christmas
The digidestined destroy some more Control Spires in the Digital World. Ken hands out a christmas invitation to each of the digidestined, even cody and they all agree to come to his party. For a christmas present for the older Digidestined, the new digidestined bring them their digimon, even to Mimi who's in America!! All the older Digidestined go to Matt's Concert, what they don't know is Arukenimon is outside planting a Control Spire. Dark Tyranomon and Bakemon come out onto the stage in the middle of the concert! Everyone flee's the tent but, outside there are even more Digimon all over the city! Tai calls Ken's house to talk to Kari, and they quickly arrive at the scene. They begin attacking the Digimon and start to send them back to the Digital World. All of the Digimon DNA Digivolve and battle the remaining digimon and send them back to the Digital World as well. Everyone returns home safely, and the next morning on the news it says control spires are appearing everywhere! When Izzy's looking at the computer, there a digiports opening all over the world!
Episode 39: A Dramon Power
There are news reports that there are dark spires all over the world with Digimon near them, including Tamachi. All the digidestined head to Izzy's house, except Davis decides to go to Tamachi where Ken lives. At Izzy's house he's receiving email from kids all over the world, digidestined kids. In Tamachi Triceramon is wreaking havoc. Wormmon can't digivolve because of the Control Spire. Davis comes riding Raidramon and knocks down the control spire. Wormmon and Veemon digivolve, they attempt to destroy Triceramon but that's not enough so they DNA Digivolve into Paildramon. Davis opens the digiport and tries to destroy Paildramon before they can get rid of Triceramon. Back at Izzy's house, Izzy opens the digiport and Gennai comes through but he's a lot younger! Gennai shows them a sphere that Azulongmon gave him and it gives them power so they can digivolve even to ultimate. The power finds it way to Paildramon, and Paildramon digivolves into Imperialdramon! Davis opens the digisport and Imperialdramon puts him back into the digital world. Imperialdramon beams Davis and Ken inside of him, and destroys all the control spires in Japan then travels and puts all the Digimon back into the Digital World. All of the digidestined are beamed up into Imperialdramon, and the journey around the world begins.
Episode 40: Digimon World Tour, Part 1
Imperialdramon drops off the digidestined in different parts of the world, Tai and TK in france, Kari and Izzy in Hong Kong, Sora and Yolei in Russia, Cody and Joe in Australia, Ken and Matt in Mexico, and Micheal and Davis in New York. In New York, Mimi and Palmon head off to meet up with Mimi, and A Gennai look a-like named Benjamin joins them. Veemon digivolves to Ex-veemon, Betamon digivolves into Seadramon and Palmon digivolves into lilymon! They all meet up with the Digidestined of America they send the Digimon back to the digital world through the digiport. In Hong Kong, A Mojyamon is loose and wreaking havoc, so the local digidestined digimon digivolve and attack, Kari and Izzy appear and tell them to stop attacking. Izzy recieves an email from a girl in India who can't cross the India China border because of an army. The Octomon write on the mountain saying that they come in peace, and the Army let's them pass.
Episode 41: Digimon World Tour, Part 2
Cody and Joe are in australia taking down the control spires, when one of Gennai's friends, Hogan comes up dressed as Santa. It the water there's a digidestined boy, named Derek being chased by Gesomon, Shellmon and Beadramon. Ikkakumon and Armadillomon chase the three digimon away by talking about making them into a food. On their way to destroy a control spire, it is guarded by Scorpiomon! Ikkakumon Digivolves to Zudomon, and Armadillomon Armour Digivolves to Submarimon, Crabmon, Derek's Digimon Digivolves to Coelamon! They knock out Scorpiomon and Destroy the control spire, the other digidestined bring them the other digimon and they send them all back to the Digital World. Meanwhile in Paris, Tai and TK are picked up by TK's Grandpa. When they're riding TK's Grandpa's motorcycle on their way to find the Control Spire, TK's Grandpa notices that the Palace of Versalles is lit up and the Gate is open, inside are Mamemon, Bigmamemon and Metalmamemon having a feast. There's also a girl Catherine in their and her digimon Floramon, Agumon and Patamon Digivolve, and battle the three Mamemon outside. Catherine tells them about how they were taken prisoner by the Mamemon. Greymon and Angemon Digivolve to ultimate, and Floramon digivolves into Kiwimon, and they follow the Mamemon to the Control spire and destroy it.
Episode 42: Digimon World Tour, Part 3
The Digimon in the United States, Hong Kong, Australia, and France were all returned safely to the Digital World by the digidestined. Only Mexico and Russia were left in mexico, Ken and Matt followed some Digimon who had snuck into the Mayan ruins. In the ruins they found a mexican girl, Rosa and her Digimon Gostumon. Straight away the little girl grew a crush on Ken. Wormmon become jealous and very protective of Ken because of that. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Yolei and Sora were in Russia, so they met up with the three local Digidestined trying to comunicate, Yolei came up with the idea of giving commands of Russian foods, one meaning right and the other meaning left.
Episode 43: Invasion of the Daemon Corps.
The digidestined all return to Japan. However, when they get back to Japan Children have mysteriously disappeared from Tokyo one after another. Ken sensed that there was some kind of evil behind the disappearence of the children, it reminded him of his past, that he had almost forgotten. Ken's fears had been answered when evil digimon led by Daemon began to invade the Real World! Ken afraid of the dark powers, teams up with Davis to rescue the people. However, the power of the Dark Digimon is to strong, So not even Imperialdramon can win against them.The other digimon who were no where near as strong enough to defeat the Dark Digimon gave their power to Imperialdramon. Now with more power than before, can Imperialdramon destroy the dark digimon?
Episode 44: Dark Sun, Dark Spore
The Daemon corps suddenly attacked a peaceful town. The fact of Paildramon having killed a digimon, heavily leans on the digidestined chests. In addition to that, Ken has been kidnapped by Arukenimon, who has also kidnapped all the children who were missing in Tokyo. The digidestined chase the car that Ken was taken away in, and they meet up with Joe's brother Jim who gives them a ride. As they approach the closer to the car Ken was taken away in, the Daemon Corps. also after Ken, attack a town without Mercy. Silphymon and Shakkoumon tried to hold off the Daemon Corps to defend the people in the town. However, sensing Yolei and Cody's Doubts, the Daemon corps only increase their violence in the town. Ladydevimon pushed Yolei over the edge, and she exploded with rage and stopped Ladydevimon from hurting an inncent boy, Silphymon had to kill Ladydevimon before she could hurt Yolei. Meanwhile, in Arukenimon's car, Oikawa was there his plan was to take the data of the Dark Spore in Ken's neck and transfer it into all the children Arukenimon had kidnapped.
Episode 45: The Dark Gate
Davis chases the car, where Ken was kidnapped on Raidramon. Arukenimon had already copied the Dark Spore in Ken, and handed him over to the Daemon corps since she was finished with him. Arukenimon then drives away with all the children she had kidnapped. After Arukenimon handed Ken over to the Daemon corps, Davis rescued him. Davis tried his best to fight off the Daemon, Yolei and Cody tried to help as well, but not even Imperialdramon could defeat Daemon. There was only one thing left to do, Seal Daemon in the Dark Ocean so he can never return. Ken tried to open the gate to the darkness to protect the ones he cared for. Can Ken get over his fear of the darkness and open the gate?
Episode 46: Duel of Wargreymon
Ken and Davis's strong wills opened the gate, and Daemon was sealed in the dark ocean for good. The fight for the digidestined was not over yet, the dark spore that had been copied from Ken was transplanted in the kidnapped children. Parents who had changed from worrisim, were pleased when the children returned. Now the children were no longer average children, they were now high IQed geniuses. Davis knowing what will happen if the dark seed's stay inside the children calls each of their houses and speaks to their parents, but the parents won't believe what he says. Agumon contacts the depressed Davis, with surpsining news, Blackwargreymon has returned! Blackwargreymon tries to find oikawa to learn his reason for living. Agumon blocks Oikawa from Blackwargreymon, Oikawa is the only one who knows the secrets about the Dark Seed. A battle has begun, Black Wargreymon vs. Wargreymon!
Episode 47: Black Wargreymon's Destiny
At the end of the fierce fight between Blackwargreymon and Warygreymon with Impieraldramon, Blackwargreymon finally understood what it really meant to fight. He found it not only hurt him, but everyone around him. With his new found knowledge, Blackwargreymon set out once again, back to his mysterious mission.. Meanwhile, Yolei and the others ran after Oikawa, but they lost sight of him. Accidentally releasing thier knowledge on how to remove Oikawa's Dark Seeds, Ken and the other Digidestined frantically try to once again persuade the the affected children to come with them. The children on the other hand were fascinated with the powers the Dark Seeds had given them, and coldly pushed away any attempts of saving them the Digidestined made. Atlast the dark seed began to bloom. Oikawa drained the powers of the Dark Flowers, absorbing them into himself, becoming filled with the evil darkness. What is his "true desire?" And what wil lhe do with the evil power he's recieved? Now Oikawa's dark and mysterious past will soon be revealed.
Episode 48: Oikawa's Shame
Oikawa finally obtains Dark flowers. Blackwargreymon was fatally wounded by the great powers of darkness, but in order to stop Oikawa's plans, with the last of his strength he sealed the gate to the Digital World. Children with dark seeds gather at Highton View Terrace on New Year's Eve. With the power of the dark seeds, Oikawa was about to achieve his long time dream of going to the Digital World. Davis and the others try to get the children back, but the gate that Blackwargreymon had sealed, opened! Oikawa takes the children through the gate, the digidestined following after them. But what waited for them on the other side of the gate was not the Digital World Oikawa had dreamed of, but a world a fear and dispair.
Episode 49: The last Temptation of the Digidestined
At last, the final enemy, Malomyotismon had appeared. The children overwhelemed with fear, froze in their tracks. Only Davis has enough courage to confront Malomyotismon. Davis continues to fight on through this hopeless situation, his strong will gives Ex-veemon power and he begins to damage Malomyotismon. Malomyotismon releases a light which suddenly attacks the children and in their own minds they find themselves in a place with their own hopes and dreams. Will they be able to fight on? A miracle is yet to be seen...
Episode 50: A Million Points Of Light
Davis and the others chased down Malomyotismon, but they chased him into the Digital World where he got even more powerful, by absorbing the Digital world's darkness. He then flooded both the real world and digital world with darkness. They tried to resist, but the dark power was to great for them. Davis refusing to give up, talks about his dreams and goals, the children with dark seeds also talk about their dreams and Malomyotismon weakens. Then the Digital World released it's greatest miracle of all, the determined hearts of the digidestined all over the world released power through their D-3's completely destroying Malomyotismon.
Season 3
Episode 1: Guilmon Comes Alive
Takato is a fifth grader who is crazy about Digimon received a Mysterious blue card, which has never even been seen before! After slashing the blue card through his card reader he ran off for class. During class, Takato drew a picture of his own digimon Guilmon. When he returned to the playground, his card reader transformed into a digivice before his eyes! When he returned home, he decided to try something and slashed his Guilmon drawing through the digivice, What would happen?
Episode 2: Digimon, Digimon Everywhere
The picture Takato drew of Guilmon had turned into a real digimon! Takato decided to bring Guilmon to his house, and snuck him into his room. That same night, a Digital Fog field appears and Rika goes to battle. The Digimon was Goblimon, after fighting for awhile he digivolved into Fugamon! So, Renamon battled the Digimon. The next day, Takato had to go to school so he left Guilmon in an alley with some food.. but Guilmon got lonely and left the hiding place, What could happen next?
Episode 3: To Fight or Not to Fight
After a sneak attack from Renamon Guilmon tried to fight. His eyes became cold and he wasn't like the Guilmon that was seen before. Luckily before it got to out of hand Terriermon came and stopped the fight. Later that evening Guilmon ran off with the same cold eyes as before. Takato ran after them and they ended up in a parking garage where Renamon and Rika were waiting.
Episode 4: It Came From the Other Side
Takato realized what is bad about Digivolving after Terriermon had Digivolved to Galgomon and went on a rampage. Still, Takato yearned to see what Guilmon digivolved into. The next day, there was a Digital Fog field and Henry tried his best to avoid it, but it was after him so he couldn't escape it! Terriermon and Henry had known Gorillamon before, from when they first met.. But will they be able to defeat him?
Episode 5: Dream a Little Dream
At Takato's school a Digimon had been watching the children play, and dreamed of playing with them. He was also making a mess using the machine to put lines on the playing fields, and going all over the place with it! When Takato had to go to school early to feed the Rabbits Guilmon and him found Calumon hiding. Calumon was a partnerless digimon so Takato and Henry tried to find a partner for him. Another Digital Fog Field appeared, the digimon was a small Digimon, Vilemon. Then, Rika and Renamon arrived at the scene!
Episode 6: O Partner, Where Art Thou?
Another Digital Fog Field appeared, however the Digimon was to strong for Renamon. Rika became irritated and frustrated with Renamon, because even after she had repetitively told Renamon to digivolve, she still didn't. Rika and Renamon wander around the town at night, a mysterious partnerless Digimon is found and talks with Renamon. What will Rika do with out Renamon?
Episode 7: Now you See It, Now you Don't
Takato heads to Rika's house to talk to her, and on his way home Guilmon begins to fade away! Takato panics to get Henry and Rika's help, a Digimon That is born from data returns to date. The Three Tamers go in search of the missing Guilmon, and find him in another demension. Can they save him in time?
Episode 8: A Question of Trust
During Class, Takato draws a picture of what he thinks Guilmon will Digivolve too and names it Growlmon! Takato goes to the park that night and leaves Guilmon some bread, Impmon comes and bums some bread of Guilmon and talks with him. After talking Impmon wanders around and finds a Digital Fog Field with Devidramon trapped inside, after mocking him he accidently opens the fog field and Devidramon is released! When Guilmon goes into battle with Devidramon he Digivolves into Growlmon!
Episode 9: Not as Seen on TV
Guilmon has finally digivolved, but there's one problem, he hasn't reverted to Guilmon! Takato tries many different ways to get Guilmon to revert, but no luck is found. He can't fit Growlmon in his usual hiding place either. When he goes home, Guilmon and Calumon are outside his window. Henry and Takato find a place for Guilmon to hide in some type of Garage, but Impmon comes and chases him out of the hiding place, Where did Guilmon go!
Episode 10: The Icemon Cometh
Rika is troubled by the fact that Guilmon was able to digivolve so easily. She begins to doubt her partnership with Renamon and the two of them split up after Rika yells at Renamon. Rika wanders around puzzled, and see's a Digimon and goes after it. Soon enough, Rika is captured by Icedevimon! Will Takato and Henry Save her?
Episode 11: Much Ado About Musyamon
A Digital Fog appears, and Terriermon wants to fight but Henry won't allow him to. The Digital Field is forceful and Yamaki releases a yuggoth which makes the Digimon in the Fog Fields disappear. Terriermon watches in dissatisfaction. Henry didin't want Terriermon to fight but, Denying Terriermon to fight is denying Terriermon of being a digimon. Once again the Yuggoth appeared! Is Henry Going to let Terriermon fight this time?
Episode 12: Divided They Stand
A Man in Sunglassess waits for Takato and Henry, He had witnessed the fight at the Administration Bureau. He advises Takato and Lee to stop playing dangerously. His words stuck with Takato, giving him an ill-omened premonition. Rika, still trying to sort out her feelings towards Renamon, meets up with her. There is a silence between the two, as Renamon is still trying to prove herself worthy of Rika. Will Rika and Renamon be able to work out their problems? What was Yamaki's intention when he contacted Takato?
Episode 13: Juggernaut
Takato and Guilmon are forced to battle an evil Digimon. It seemed to be the end, and the duo were in reach of victory. Suddenly, a search light shines upon them, and Yamaki appears. A tear-gas bomb is thrust at Takato and the two battling Digimon. Takato is told Guilmon will only become stronger if he Digivolves, but Takato changes his mind and now does not want Guilmon to digivolve.
Episode 14: Grow Mon Grow
A blue whirlpool rises in the night sky, The fate that involves all the Digimon, breaks up the data. This is the doing of Yamaki who considers the Digimon as an enemy. Then something nobody predicted occurs, a huge pillar of light apeared in the vortical center! Yamaki is shaken by the unexpected occurence, then there is another surprise. A huge Digimon falls down to the ground from the sky. Renamon and Terriermon arive and join the fight, but the other Digimon is to strong for them and Guilmon is attacked intensly. Will they be able to defeat the Digimon? When Takato realizes his mission at a Tamer, a new blue card is drawn and leads to another evolution!
Episode 15: Snakes, Trains and Digimon
Takato Henry and Rika decided to for a team, Digimon Tamers. Takato was more enthusiastic then the other two about it. Takato's classmates arrive at Takato's house and they all go to play with Guilmon. When Rika is waiting at the subway station, her D-Power detects a digimon. Seconds later a huge Snake Digimon appears on the tracks of the subway, and it began to destroy the subway which Henry was on, Can Rika and Henry stop the attack? And can Guilmon and Takato get to the fight before it's to late?
Episode 16: Back to Nature, Back to Battle
Takato's class goes on a camping trip, and they sneak Terriermon, Calumon and Guilmon along. While they're playing around near the water, A mysterious Digimon appears. Terriermon and Guilmon must try to defeat the digimon.
Episode 17: Duel with a Deva
While playing the card game with Kenta and his friends, Henry received a health card, He slashed it through his D-power and it became a Blue card. Henry got together with Rika and Takato and they went all around town trying to find the origin of the card. After travelling around 2 Digimon appeared in the real world. These Digimon aren't going to be easy to defeat, Can the blue card help them?
Episode 18: Digital Beauty
Rika's mom takes her to a Photo shoot, and as soon as they begin taking pictures Rika runs out of there as fast as she can. Rika walks around Shinjuku in search of Renamon, but fails. Rika recieves a phone call, and heads out with Takato to find a Digital Fog field, where they find Renamon already fighting the Digimon.
Episode 19: Impmon's Last Stand
Impmon can't understand how Calumon can stand being kind to human's, and while Calumon is being adored by some girls Impmon throws a flame at them and scared them away out of Anger. When Impmon goes into a Digital Fog Field looking for a Digimon to fight, the Digimon in there tells that his Tamer betrayed him, Impmon once had a Digimon Tamer too. Then Renamon and Rika appear, and a huge battle begins, even attracting the attention of the Police. Now Impmon begins to fight with all his energy against the Digimon. What happened to Impmon's Tamer?
Episode 20: Out of the Blue
The new digimon, in the city, storms through the city. The strength of the digimon is too strong for the Tamers causing them to lose all of their cards. All hope lies in Takato's friend, Kazu, who gives Takato one last card: a handmade blue card. This is their last defense. Calumon's red gem begins to glow, Will the blue card help Guilmon Digivolve to defeat the Digimon?
Episode 21: Jeri's Quest
Rika teaches Jeri how the Digimon cards work. When Jeri is playing with Calumon, she is attacked by a Digimon. Leomon appears and saves them, and Jeri is convinced Leomon must be her Digimon Partner! Is Jeri a Digimon Tamer too?
Episode 22: The Boar Wars
An earthquake occurs in West Shinjuku, Guilmon senses a digimon as a Digital fog field rolls in. The Digimon, Vikararamon appears, but Guilmon is no match for the Digimon. Vikararamon destroys all in his path, and Yamaki prepares to activate the Shaggai system. Will they be able to defeat Vikararamon before he destroys everything?
Episode 23: A World Apart
The Shaggai system is activated, and is affecting the digimon, and the Digimon are still battling Vikararamon still unable to defeat him. Takato gives his energy to Guilmon and helps him fight controlling him. During the fight Makuramon kidnaps Calumon, Leomon attacks him but fails and is Injured, then a D-arc appears and Jeri heals him. Will they finally be able to defeat Vikararamon? And what will happen to Calumon!?
Episode 24: The Journey Begins
The Digimon Tamers have decided to go to the Digital World. The Tamers introduce their partners to their families. Guilmon finds the gate to the Digital World by digging in his hiding place. Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta and the Digimon then prepare to leave for the Digital World. What fate awaits them in the Digital World?
Episode 25: Brave New Digital World
They walk through a path leading them into the Digital World, they then plummit to the ground making craters. Once they've been in the Digital World for awhile they travel toward some rock structures thinking they were something else, there they see their first digimon, Meramon. Meramon attacks them, but then stops after realizing they're from the real world. While the Tamers are sleeping the Digimon sense something it's herd of Jagamon! Will they escape the Jagamon without getting hurt? Will they be able to find Calumon?
Episode 26: Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure
Kazu and Kenta had run in front of the Data stream, Rika and Renamon tried to save them, but, they were sucked into the data stream as well. They all end up in a village, seperated from ther others, the wind blows so fiercly they go through the door of a house. Living in the house is an old Digimon couple. Jijimon and Babamon. Kazu and Kenta think that the Digimon may be their partners. Could they be their partners? How will they find the other digidestined?
Episode 27: Motorcycle Madness
Takato, Jeri, Henry and their digimon find themselves at the Chuchidarumon's village. A motorcycle flies through the village crashing into one of the homes, but the motorcycle has no rider. The digidestined go and talk to the Chuchidarumon, and they decide they want to try and help the digimon. Meanwhile Impmon talks to Chatsuramon, who tells him he will help him digivolve if Impmon destroys the tamers. Suddenly the bike attacks the Tamers again! What will happen to the Tamers?
Episode 28: Blame It On Ryo
Rika was thrown through a pillar of light to the place where the gears turn. A clock stands before them. Rika plays with the gears and hands, she accidently touches one of the hands, it starts moving. The clock's seal is broken and a giant digimon appears. Rika and Renamon are losing the battle and Rika responds by evolving Renamon into Kyuubimon, but she is still in danger. A mysterious digimon then appears, with another human. Who is this other human? Will they help Rika?
Episode 29: Goliath
Rika leaves Kazu and Kenta, so they go off to find the other tamers along with Ryo. When they finally meet up with the rest of the Tamers, Ryo takes them to a castle where they can eat and spend them night. Calumon is still wandering around the Digital world looking for the Tamers. Will they be able to meet up with Calumon? And when will Rika return?
Episode 30: The Imperfect Storm
Rika and Renamon are seperated, and Rika becomes trapped in a current. Luckily, Calumon comes to Rika with a vine and helps her. Renamon grabs them and they are suddenly hit by another wave that sweeps them away. They then meet back up with the other digidestined. Kyuubimon recongnizes Beelzemon as a digivolved form of Impmon! Back in the real world Hypnos is being re-launced. Suddenly a storm occurs and Takato, Henry and Terriermon are seperated from the others!
Episode 31: Kazu's Upgrade
Kazu, Kenta, Rika and Jeri and their Digimon run into Andromon, he doesn't attack them but then suddenly another Digimon, Orochimon, appears and attacks. Andromon is injured fighting back, and the Tamers take him to the Gekomon. The Gekomon aren't willing to repair Andromon, so the Tamers take care of him. After he is healed he de-digivolves into Guardromon, Kazu watches over him and takes care of him. The Gekomon give Orochimon Osake so he can stay strong, but Orochimon kidnaps Jeri suddenly! Can they save Jeri? And is Kazu's partner Guardromon?
Episode 32: Shibumi Speaks
Takato and Henry are stuck underwater. The device Yamaki gave Takato is working and he finally replies to the e-mail, Yamaki is with the Tamers parents re-assuring them he's okay when he recieves the e-mail. Takato and Henry, figure out that the water is not really wet, and they can talk and breath under it! They use it as an escape from the place they are in and travel to a building, in the building there is a giant D-arc hanging from the ceiling, there's also a man sitting at the desk, he is Shibumi.
Episode 33: Rabbit Transit
Suzy is bored without Terriermon to play with, so when her father goes home he takes her to the park. While at the park, a digital field opens and sucks Suzy into the Digital World! Suzy meets a large rabbit Digimon, Antylamon. Meanwhile Takato, Henry and Terriermon are flying around inside the giant D-arc, which is an aircraft. Suzy is kidnapped by Makuramon, and Antylamon comes to her rescue, the D-arc ship also crashes down. Could Suzy be the next of the Tamers?
Episode 34: Lionheart
Takato and Henry learn from Lopmon that Calumon is the key to Digivolving, and the Devas were created to capture him. Suddenly Beezlemon appears, ready to attack the Tamers! The other Tamers are transported to the area through a data stream, reunited with Henry, Takato and Terriermon. In an attempt to save Kyubimon from Beezlebemon Leomon is killed! Growlmon isn't strong enough to defeat Beezlemon so Takato forces him to Digivolve. Who will win this fight?
Episode 35: Give a Little Bit
Wargrowlmon evolved to his mega form, Megidramon. Takato's anger over Leomon's death had allowed Wargrowlmon to evolve, but Takato is afraid because his digimon partner will not listen to him. Beezlemon Absorbs Taomon and Rapidmon's power, he is now overwhelmed with all the power he has and knocks out Megidramon. Can Takato make Megidramon listen to him, will they be able to defeat Beezlemon?
Episode 36: The Battle Within
Guilmon is finally able to Digivolve into his true Mega form, Takato and him are unified as Gallantmon. The real battle between Beezlemon and Gallantmon begins! The others watch the two megas battle, they wonder where Takato went, but Kenta tells them Takato is inside Gallantmon! Can Gallantmon destroy Beezlemon?
Episode 37: No Mon is an Island
The Tamers stand outside the sovereign's castle, they're ready to go in to save Calumon. They leave Suzy behind with Kazu, Gaurdromon, Kenta and Jeri. Inside the castle Terriermon digivolves to Rapidmon, but he was injured during the fight with Beezlemon. Will they be able to defeat the Sovereign and save Calumon?
Episode 38: Azulongmon Explains it All
The Sovereign is to powerful for the Digimon to defeat, when it seems they'll never defeat the Sovereign, Azulongmon appears and stops the fight. He tells them about the d-reaper, and that Calumon isn't actually a Digimon and they needed him to defeat the d-reaper.
Episode 39: Song of Sakuyamon
The Tamers are close to the D-Reaper, and they decide they must get Calumon. Rika and Renamon go down to save Calumon, Ryo meets up with the Tamers and follows Rika to make sure she's safe. When Calumon is found, the D-reaper has grown so much it's hard for them to get up. Rika and Renamon bio-merge into Sakuyamon! Can they stop the D-Reaper?
Episode 40: Janyu's Ark
Using his powers, Calumon releases a Shining Digivolution, Digimon all over the Digital World now Digivolve so they can help defeat the D-Reaper. Henry's father has created an Ark which the Tamers can return home in! The Tamers have 40 minutes before the ark arrives, Rika and Renamon go off in search of Impmon, but times running out! Will they be able to make it back in time to go home?
Episode 41: Homeward Bound
The D-arc created by Henry's father finally appears in the Digital World. This is the only way out, and they only have a small ammount of time before it's gone! The Tamers board the D-arc, but Rika and Renamon are not there, Ryo and Cyberdramon go off in search of her. Will Ryo be able to make it back with Rika in time?
Episode 42: Reunion
The Tamers have finally arrived back in the real world safely, but the D-reaper is attacking in Shinjuku! The Hypno's towers have been disolved by the D-reaper! Rika, Henry and Takato are ready to fight it even though their parent's want them to stay away. What will happen with the D-reaper? Is the real world in great danger?
Episode 43: Beezlemon's Big Day
The military is attempting to do something about the d-reaper, but everything they try has no effect. Impmon recieves a letter from his Tamer, but can't read it and goes to find help. Once it is read, when his hope is gone he spots his Tamers Mako and Ai! The D-reaper is growing and beginning to disolve the buildings, and The Tamers decide to do something about it. Can they stop the D-reaper?
Episode 44: The Messenger
The military is still trying to fight the d-reaper, but nothing is happening. The news is now covering the D-Reaper story. Takato sees a girl that look like Jeri, and he thinks it is her. After a big dinner at Rika's house with their parents the Tamers D-powers go off they must go back to the D-reaper. Waiting for them are Alice and Dobermon, Dobermon has come with the power of Bio-merging for the tamers! Now that they will be able to bio-merge can they win?
Episode 45: The D-Reaper's Disguise
Now that the Tamers have the power to Bio-merge, they begin to attack the D-reaper! With the tamers attacking the D-Reaper at mega level it seems like they are defeating the D-reaper until it traps Gallantmon! How can they save Gallantmon? Isn't Mega strong enough to defeat the d-reaper?
Episode 46: When is a Mon Justimon
A Mega digimon, Justimon appears on the top of a building ready to help the tamers and Rika realizes that it's Ryo and Cyberdramon bio-merged. Inside the D-reaper Takato thinks he hears Jeri, but what he doesn't know it's really the clone of Jeri. Then Takato is attacked by the D-reapers Agent! Can Takato get out of there?
Episode 47: His Kingdom for a Horse
Jeri is replaying the death or her Mother and Leomon inside her head. Yamaki and his crew start to design a new more powerful D-Arc, which could help destroy the D-Reaper. Meanwhile, Jeri is still trapped inside the D-reaper with Calumon, Her father is trying to fight the D-reaper to free her but he can do nothing. Atlast the D-Arc is complete and ready to enter the Real World, will it be able to help defeat the D-Reaper for once?
Episode 48: Shadow of the Beast King
Beezlemon is inside the D-Reaper trying to Free himself so that he can help Jeri, He's realized what he's done by killing Leomon and now wants to make up for it. The D-reaper is growing larger, and the Tamers are ready to attack again with Gallantmon riding on the new D-arc. Beezlemon finally gets free, and with the help of Gallantmon, and the power of Leomon he breaks the wall around Jeri, But he must hurry to get her out before the hole closes up!
Episode 49: D-Reaper’s Feast
As Beelzemon tries to save Jeri, the D-Reaper attacks him and he falls back as his data breaks apart. It looks like he is a goner, but at the last minute, Grani saves him. The tamers are forced to leave the battle while the military drops probes into the D-Reaper. Jeri realizes too late that she missed her chance to escape the D-Reaper through Beelzemon. Will Jeri ever make it out?
Episode 50: Jeri Fights Back
The tamers have left their parents to go fight the final battle with the D-Reaper. They all meet outside the chaos and use the red card that Shibumi made. It allows them to go into the D-Reaper without getting hurt. Once inside the D-Reaper, and biomerged into their mega forms, the team heads toward the core, but are attacked by the D-Reaper’s minions. All the while, Jeri and Calumon are trapped inside the “kernel”, but now Jeri is fighting back. Grani gets thrown away from Gallantmon, and while the others stay and fight the D-Reaper, Gallantmon goes ahead to try and save Jeri. Will he be able to rescue her in time?
Episode 51: Such Sweet Sorrow
Now as Gallantmon Crimson Mode, Takato and Guilmon continue on to rescue Jeri. Meanwhile, the others are having a hard time defeating the D-Reaper, so Ryo comes up with a plan. Sakuyamon sends all of her power into Justimon’s blade so that they can destroy the monster. It appears to work in the beginning, but the monster soon comes back. Jeri and Calumon break open the “kernel”, but they are still trapped inside it. Gallantmon tries to get to them, but the D-Reaper won’t let him. Just as things are looking their worst, Henry’s dad and the other monster makers reveal their plan to finally defeat the D-Reaper. Will the plan be successful? Will Takato finally save Jeri and Calumon? What will happen if they beat the D-Reaper?
Season 4
Episode 1: All Aboard!
Takuya recieves an e-mail on his cellphone, he decides to follow what it says and finds himself at a train station. There he boards a train which takes him into the Digital world with three other digidestined, on the train his cellphone turns into a D-scan digivice.. In the Digital World they are attacked by a Digimon! Takuya is able to transform into Agnimon with the Spirit of Fire! But can he defeat the Digimon? Why are they in the Digital World?
Episode 2: Lobomon: Warrior of Light
The Digidestined are stuck in the Digital World with no way out, they go wandering around with Neemon and Bokumon when they fall into an underground maze. The Pagumon have been following Tomoki and Junpei around looking for chocolate, and Kouji comes and saves them when one of them Digivolves into Raremon! Takuya tries to Digivolve into Agnimon but it doesn't work, Kouji uses the Spirit of Light to Digivolve into Wolfmon! Will he be able to defeat Raremon?
Episode 3: Kumamon, Baby Light my fire
A voice is heard from the children's D-Scanner and tells them to go to the " Forest Terminal ". The children think its a trap or a place they can set up a camp. When the children get there they are met by a tree, but its not a tree....... its a digimon! The children fight but are defeated. A light shines on Tomoki's heart and Tomoki finds the Spirit of Ice. Tomoki Digivolves into Chakmon. Meanwhile Agnimon fights the Wizardmon, then Chakmon helps Agnimon fight. Agnimon and Kumamon defeat the Wizardmon and change back.
Episode 4: Kazemon Kicks It
The children come to a fork in the road. To the right is the horizon and " Season of Spring ". To the left is the Wooden Forest. The children argue about witch way to take. Takuya and Tomoki take the left and Junpei and Izumi take the right. Junpei and Izumi come to a station in " Gentle Breeze Village". When they get there they are helped by the Floramon. Meanwhile Takuya and Tomoki are lost in the wooden Forest. At the village the Floramon are bullied by the Mushroommon. Izumi gets mad and find the Spirit of Wind and changes into Fairymon. The Mushroommon digivolve into Woodmon. Fairymon is deafted and Kouji comes to the rescue. Kouji digivolves into Wolfmon and after defeating Woodmon he goes off on his own.
Episode 5: Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon
Takuya, JP, Zoe, Tommy, and Koji have reached a power plant (Of course by now they are starving) So they decide to check it out. As they are walking they see some kokuwamon and ogremon. As they keep walking they get inside the factory were it looks desserted. Koji goes off by himself. When Koji reaches a hallway he turns around to go back then something looks like it is shocking a digimon. Later Takuya and the others walk around the factory to see if there is any food. As they look they are talking with the kokuwamon they tell takuya that they are slaves have have to work all the time and they are betten alot. Later that night Takuay and the gang go to were the kokuwamon live and devise a plan to over throw sniemon (the boss dude) and the ogremon. JP dosent agree with the plan so takuya and JP get into a fight. Zoe and tommy spirit evolve and Zoe goes to distract the ogremon gaurding the front gate. Takuya spirit evolves into agunimon and koji spirit evolves inot lobomon. They run into the factory only to see sniemon there waiting for them. Agunimon and Lobomon faught hard but coldnt do it. Then JP helps them and finds the spirit of electricity. JP spirit evolves into Bettelmon and whipes out sniemon. And sets the kokuwamon free.
Episode 6: A Molehill out of a Mountain
Takuya and the others were asked to help the Shellnumemon. Koji was also asked to help the Numemon too. But when the children got to the Numemon village Grottomon papered and told then the daughters of the Numemon village had been kidnapped. The children change and fight Grottomon. As Grottomon was near defeat a new spirit emerged from a crumbling mountain. Grottomon got the spirit and changed into Gigasmon. Agunimon, Wolfmon, and the others were defeated. Will the Children be able to defeat this new enemy Gigasmon?
Episode 7: An Island of Misfit Boys
After Takya, Koji, and Tommy fall through a large hole from the mountain the land in Toy Kingdom. Therethey are chased by Monzaemon and the Toyshadowagumon transforms him into Warumonzeamon he attacks them and makes the kids cry and kidnaps Tommy. When Takuya and Koji stop laughing they go after Tommy in the Big Castle. But they fall into water were they are rescued by Pandamon. When they get to the castle the Toyshadowagumon attack them. After they spirit evolve they defaet them and take their factal codes. They get up to the room were they find Tommy playing vido games with Warumonzaemon! After the kids are given an airplane and fly off to find JP and Zoe.
Episode 8: The Odd One Out
After Gigasmon/Grumblemon defeated them, the digidestined fell into a large hole and were split into two groups. Takuya, Koji, and Tommy ran about in Toy Town. Zoe, J.P., Bokomon, and Neemon found a small village. In the tiny village they found a digimon school. Taught by Miss Togemon. All of the digimon were loving and happy excepted one; Tsunomon. The other digimon students rejected Tsunomon. He bacame quite sad and lonley. Zoe and J.P. conversed with the little digimon and noticed that was ridiculed. They begin to run after Tsunomon. With all the best efforts to catch Tsunomon, Tsunomon falls into a river. Zoe attemps to save Tsunomon from drownding but begins to drown herself. Tsunomon digivolves into Gabumon and saves Zoe from drownding. Both J.P. and Zoe were surprised . Gabumon soon begins to tell his story of that day when he digivolves infront of the other digimon children to go get their entangled ball. But when he returns the other digmon children think that the even bigger Tsunomon will harm them. J.P. and Zoe trie to go back to the village and fix this hole mess, but it begins to rain badley. Zoe and J.P. finally reach the small village and then hear shocking noise from Togemon. She said that when it rains that the river waters overcede and begins the horible rampage of the floodwaters. Zoe and J.P. SpiritDigivolve to Kazemon and Beetlemon they have no problem at saving the village from the horible flood waters. To make this problem worse one of the digimon children. The water sweeps up Kapurimon. Kazemon and Beetlemon are bussy holding the waters off. They both beg that Tsunomon should digivolve to help Kapurimon. Tsunomon refuses to help out Kapurimon. After alittle pleading Tsunomon digivolves into Gabumon and helps Kapurimon. No longer are all of the little digimon children afraid of Gabumon (Tsunomon). As everything is back to normal Zoe, J.P., Neemon, and Bokomon leave to find the other digidestineds. At the same moment Takuya, Koji, and Tommy parachute from ToyAgumon's plane! With the others back they set off to go to the Forest Terminal.
Episode 9: Welcome to my nightmare
The digidestineds are still attempting to reach the Forest Terminal. J.P. complains that they have been walking to long and far. The digidestineds stop to take a rest. They begin to find a place to camp when little Tommy notices that there is a shady figure in lurking in the bushes. Zoe finds a meat apple that has differnet kinds of flavored meat. Neemon, Bokomon, and Tommy follow Zoe to find some more apples. Takuya, J.P., and koji go to find fire wood. The realize that the apples are unediblely raw and roast them over the fire. The food starts to cook and they start a conversation about Beast Spirits. They became i nterested when Grumblemon digivolved to Gigasmon. Bokomon begins to search in his book about beast spirits. Bokomon doesn't find anything but then Neemon notices a folded page. They uncover some information on beast spirits. TClounds cover the light from the digital moons. TVs start to apear on the trees. The screen shows things from the real world. Zoe see's her school while Tommy notices his mother very worried. The light peeks threw the disaparing clouds and the TVs disapear. Tommy wants to keep watching his mother but just depresses himself. Koji sits by himself in the back of the camp. Tommy is getting happier, and wanders over to a strange part of the forest. A digimon jumps out at Tommy and gets him with the "Nightmare Syndrome". Tommy soon goes to bed. J.P. is chosen to keep watch for the night. Despite his best efforts not to. Before Takuya doses off he tells him that he saw a shadow sprint past him and J.P. They think nothing of it. As the other children are asleep to confrunts his nightmare. Tommy see's his mother but the others are holding him back. He soon thinks the other kids are his enemeys, he wakes up and starts attacking the other kids with a stick. The others try to find out what is wrong with poor Tommy. Tommy soon starts saying " I will never forgive you". He spirit evolves into Kumamon and uses his Crystal Freeze. They all decied not to spirit evolve so they don't hurt their young frined Tommy. Koji and Takuya see the shady figure again. Koji is suspicious And spirit evolves into Lobomon. Lobomon uses his saber to light up the surounding forest. They find out that it is in fact a digimon; Bakumon. Takuya spirit evovles into Agunimon. Lobomon defends himself against Kumamon. When Agunimon was taking care of Bakumon. Bakumon tries to get Agunimon with the "Nightmare Syndrome".Takuya realizes the nightmare he is having is not real. He tries to convince Kumamon that it's just a nightmare, a dream. He blasts Bakumon with a fire blow. Kumamon turns backin to Tommy. Tommy is no longer infected with the "Nightmare Syndrome". Bakumon apoligizes for him being controlled. As everyone gose back to sleep Koji layes awake and his D-Tector talks to him telling him to grow and find his beast spirit. A few qeustion pounder his mind.
Episode 10: Can’t Keep a Grumblemon Down
The Digidestined wake up and find a note from Kouji saying that he left to get something done. He ment to find his beast spirit. Bokomon and Neemon also left with Kouji hoping to see this beast spirit. So the Digidestined go out to look for them. Meanwhile Kouji’s tired of Bokomon and Neemon following him. He then runs into a Gotsumon with a magnifying glass on his own mission. He’s looking for a red looking jewel that will fit into a huge stone and bring forth the beast spirit of light, he plans to use it against Gigasmon. They begin to be suspicious of one another asking one another questions on what there doing. They then hear something at the Gotsumon village. It was Gigasmon attacking. Kouji evolves into Lobomon and starts to fight Gigasmon. Gigasmon woops his butt and the Gotsumon saves him by camouflaging himself to cover Lobomon. Gigasmon leaves and Lobomon thanks the Gotsumon, who just saw the jewel while saving Lobomon but was unable to get it. Later he finds it and is off on his way to the stone to get the beast spirit. Meanwhile the Digidestined are still looking when Grumblemon sees them and wants to fight. He slides into Gigasmon and the Digidestined all evolve. They fight but get beaten. Zoey then looses her spirit to Gigasmon by pushing Kumamon out of the way of an attack. Then Kouji arrives and lures Gigasmon away. The Gotsumon is at the stone and is about to release the spirit when he sees the fight. Lobomon is slammed into the wall and is now venerable to loose his spirit. Gotsumon saves him by holding Gigasmon with an attack. Kouji then releases the spirit and becomes KendoGururumon and starts to loose control, then beats Gigasmon, then evolves back to normal. Gigasmon falls into the sea and Kouji is saved, again by Gotsumon, from falling into the sea also.
Episode 11: A Hunka Hunka BurningGreymon
The Digidestined walk around a town looking for a fortuneteller by the name of Shamenmon. They eventually find him and he already knows who they are. Meanwhile Grumblemon is pondering up a plan to stop Kouji from beast evolving. Shamanmon tells Takuya and Tommy that they will have a problem in the future. He starts to do a dance when all of a sudden Grumblemon starts to attack the town. The Digidestined go out to fight, after they left a bright light started to glow behind Shamanmon, he finds the glowing and reaches out to it. It was the beast spirit of Fire. Kouji goes to beast evolve after the others evolve but Grumblemon puts somesort of force field or something like that around Kouji that makes him unable to move. Grumblemon then slides into Gigasmon. The others go to fight and still get beaten. Kumamon gets hammered and then becomes venerable to loose his spirit. Gigasmon steals it and Kumamon evolves back into Tommy and falls to the ground. Then something bursted form the building that Shamanmon was in. It was BurningGreymon. Shamanmon was being possessed by the spirit and had no control over it. He starts to attack Gigasmon. Gigasmon knows he’s no match and runs, Kouji is then set free. BurningGreymon then asks Agunimon for help. He told him what happened and Agunimon fought with him to free Shamanmon. He eventually won and got the Spirit, but lost control and started to attack Beetlemon. Kouji evolves into KendoGururumon and they face off while Beetlemon tries to reason with them both. What will happen next???
Episode 12: Fear and Loathing in Los Arboles
Burning Greymon and Kendogarurumon started fighting after the beast spirit took over Takuya. Beetlemon wasnt able to stop them and Burning Greymon burned some of the forest. Takuya kept trying to grab a hold of himself but kept thinking everyone else was the enemy. Tommy remembered what Takuya once him told about standing up to bullies so he stepped in to help by facing Burning Greymon. He was almost crushed but got through to Takuya.After changing back to normal, the group headed on and eventually came to a set of roots that looked like a maze. Everyone but Tommy and Takuya got stuck in the mud then Grumblemon appeared. Refusing to give up his spirit, Takuya spirit evolved to Agunimon but Grumblemon turned into Gigasmon. Gigasmon took hold of Tommy. Takuya couldnt get him back and was beaten by Gigasmon. Reluctantly, Takuya beast spirit evolved and took Gigasmon out of the forest to use his fire attacks. Takuya got back Tommy's spirit and took the Gigasmon spirit but wasnt fast enough to get Zoey's spirit. Grumblemon was confronted by his allies: Ranamon, Mercurymon, and Arbormon.
Episode 13: Better an Egg than an eggshell
The Digidestined find there way to a castle in the Forest Kingdom with some help from Ophanimon. When the doors open to the castle a digimon who looks like Wizardmon appeared telling them to leave. It was Sorcermon. Sorcermon was the caretaker of the castle. He finds out that theDigidestined are on the same side, so he lets them in. He tells them about Seraphimon’s tomb. Once theDigidestined walk into the room with the tomb and see him incased in a crystal looking tomb on the ceiling, there D-tectors start to shine a light from the screens. Meanwhile Grumblemon meets the other badguys. Ranamon, warrior of Water. Arbormon, warrior of wood. Mercurymon, warrior of steel. Duskmon, Warrior of Darkness wasn’t present. The four evil digimon go to find the Digidestined. Back at the castle, Takuya tells the others to point the light towards the tomb. Once they did that it broke and Seraphimon was freed. He told them about the constant war between Beastdigimon and Humandigimon that happened long ago. He also told them about Lucemon and how he stopped the war only to be corrupted by his own power. He told them about the 10 Legendary Warriors that defeated him then disappeared. He told them about how Him Ophanimon and Churubimon were put incharge and how Churubimon turned on Him and Ophanimon. Once he was done he thanked them and told them to leave the Digital World so he could fight alone. Then Grumblemon and the others showed up and started to attack, and Grumblemon want’s his Beast spirit back. Everyone evolved except for Zoey, and fought. It started to look good until Seraphimon used his Strike of the Seven stars attack. Mercurymon let the attack hit his mirror shild. He yelled out Dark Reflection, and the attack came back out only it was black insted of golden. It hit Seraphimon and he lost his fractle code to Mercurymon. The others evolve back and are cornered. Zoey grabs Seraphimon’s egg and runs back to the others. Sorcermon opens a secret passage and theDigidestined escape on a Trailmon in a tunnel. Sorcermon stayes behind to buy some time.
Episode 14: No Whamon
After the Digidestined are dropped off by the Trailmon they find out that they are in a cave of somesort with no way out. They look around for a while trying to find a way out when from out of nowhere a blast of water hit’s J.P. and Tommy, it was a blast created from Whamon who was in a pool of water in the middle of the cave. After Agunimon and Lobomon calm Whamon down, Whamon tells them how he got stuck down there. After the story something happens to Whamon and the pool of water disappears leaving Whamon with no water. It was Grumblemon. He came to get his beast spirit back. Agunimon and Lobomon go to stop him but are stopped by Arbormon. Grumblemon then turns a bunch of rocks into Rockmon. J.P. and Tommy have to fight them since Agunimon and Lobomon are fighting with Arbormon who just changed into Palidramon. They fight off the all of the Rockmon except for the one that Grumblemon’s, on Beetlemon then evolves back into J.P. who is still hurt because of the blast of water from Whamon earlier. Grumblemon then goes to hit J.P. when Whamon hits Grumblemon with a water blast flinging him into the wall. That’s when J.P. sees the beast spirit of thunder. Whamon had accidentally eaten it when he was eating seaweed before he got stuck down there. Grumblemon also sees it and goes after it. J.P. holds up his D-tector and gets the beast spirit of thunder. He then evolves and defeats Grumblemon, then slides back into Beetlemon and scans Grumblemon’s fractle code turning him into a Digiegg. Zoey then gets her spirit back. The cave then starts to crumble because of the battle. A bunch of rocks fall on Palidramon and water starts to poor in. The Digidestined all awake inside of Whamon’s mouth. He tell’s them that they are getting closer to an island.
Episode 15: Beastie Girl
Whamon drops the Digidestined off on an Island. They start to like the surroundings and would like to get some R&R. That’s when they notice a resort sitting on the beach. It was owned by the Toucanmon. Little did they know that the Toucanmon were actually part of Ranamon fan club. They found out about the Digidestined and planned to steal there D-tectors for Ranamon hoping that she would give them a kiss. They trick the Digidestined by blinding them with food and free stuff to have a vacation. The boys all go out to swim while Zoey tries to find the perfect swimsuit in the changing room. The Toucanmon steal the boy’s D-tectors and then goes for Zoey’s, but she screams when she notices someone’s peeping into the dressing room. The boy’s hear her and go after her. She screams and throws things at Takuya and J.P. after they run in on her when she’s wearing her underwear. Later the boys find out that there D-tectors were stolen by the Toucanmon. They go after them and that’s when Ranamon shows up and starts to attack. Zoey evolves to Kazemon. They start to fight and the boys just watch. Ranamon then senses her beast spirit just below them in a sunken ship and gets it. She beast evolves into Calamarimon. The Toucanmon don’t like her as much as they did now because of her appearance and leave. She battles Kazemon and is winning until she goes to do her final attack and flys off wildly because she hasn’t mastered her beast spirit. After that the Digidestined find out that the Toucanmon are gone and see them land on nearby Island.
Episode 16: The Swiss Family Digimon
The Tucanmon are now off to another island to sell the D-Tecctors. While The gang is with the Gommamon. They tell them that the island they once lived on is now surrounded by a whirlpool. And they cant get back. Calmaramon/ Ranamon is trying to control her beast spirit. When she hears that the children are by the island she goes after them. Zoe gets mad and spirit evolves into Fairymon. Ranamon has no time to play so she knocks Zoe into the whirlpool. Zoe then is drowning but then she is able to breath. Zoe finds her beast spirit and evolves into Zephyrmon. She fights Calmarimon and wins.
Episode 17: Bizarre Bazaar
The Toucanmon sell the D-Tectors to the Datamon. Tommy sees Datamon playing a game and walks in. Tommy is good at playing games so he wins the game for Datamon. Datamon shows him the D-Tectors and Tommy tells Datamon that they are his. Datamon doesn't believe him but asks him to prove it. Tommy runs off the find the others but runs into the Toucanmon instead. They gave some sort of machine and Tommy gets it from them and returns to Datamon. Petaldramon shows up for Ranamon. Tommy gets his D-Tector back and gets his Beast spirit of Ice. Tommy then spirit evolves to Korikakumon. And defeats Petaldramon.
Episode 18: Trailmon VS. Trailmon
The Digidestined are still trying to get to the forest terminal. They stop to take a break and get something to eat in a small town. Too bad they cant find anything. Zoe finds out about a race and for the prize its a cheese burger. The racers are Trailmon and the pilots are Takuya, JP, Zoe, Tommy, Koji, and Shadowgarurumon. The race starts off as Shadowgarurumon in the lead. But as the others catch up Shadowgarurumon and dogmon cheat to win. First JP, Zoe and there Trailmon slide off a mountain. They spirit evolve to save the trailmon and are out of the race. Next Takuya goes off a dead end and Tommy spirit evolves into Kumamon to save him. While Koji and Shadowgarurumon face off. Takuya catches up and Koji spirit evolves into Lobomon. Koji loses to the fight and now its up to Takuya. As he and shadowgarurumon enter the dark tunnel the flamemon start and fire with the lose oil. Takuya's Trailmon is tired and stops and as Shadowgarurumon closes in on the finish Takuay beast spirit evolves into Burninggreymon. Burninggreymon gives the Trailmon a little "boost" with his fire attack. And the trailmon sends it right back at Shadowgarurumon and his trailmon. Unable to go anymore Shadowgarurumon, Dogmon, and the Trailmon are out of the race. When Takuya gets to the finish he is told that they only get to eat at the restaurant.
Episode 19: You Want Fries With That?
Petaldramon and chamelemons are destroying a village. An owner of a burger restuaruant gives petaldramon some burgers. He likes them and decides to kidnap the guy. The digidestin come and find out about the situation. They decide to try to help out so they make there own burgers. While tomy and zoe go outside to eat tomyies burgers Petaldramon comes and takes the burgers likes them and takes JP, Zoe, and Tomy. They get locked up and are forced to cook. All of them evole to hybrid spirts and breakout. They get into a fight with some chamelemon and then feed Petaldramon some burgers. He falls asleep and they knock down the mansion while they're still in their beast spirts. They go back to the village and everyone is happy. Petaldramon gets out of the rumble of the mansion.
Episode 20: From Dawn to Duskmon
Mercuremon, Arbormon, and Ranamon go to meet cherubimon. He appears in front of them in an a open carvern. Mercuremon Gives cherubimon the fractual code that they had got and cherubimon notices that Seraphimon's fractal code is missing. Cherubimon lets him keep it though for now. The digidestine are riding a trailmon when it stops and knocks them off. They appear in front of the dark gate which leads to the dark land. Everyone decides to go through the land but bokomon which eventually chooses to. Mercuremon is in a cave trying to figure how cherubimon knew. He is dirupted when duskmon appears. The digidestine are going and find some stuff to use a lamp. They continue on their way til they get into tongue twisters with pipsimon. When arbormon comes and kills them, then takes their fractal code. The digidestine get into a battle with arbormon who slides evolutions to Petaldramon. Then goes back to arbormon after the digidestine turn back to human form. Duskmon comes up and kills arbormon and arbormons digiegg floats away.
Episode 21: Darkest before Duskmon
They get into a fight with duskmon and are forced to retreat after Lobomon says so. They then go and build a campfire at a concrete building. Takuya comes up with a plan of attack against duskmon. Koji doesn't like it and gets in an argument over it with takuya. While there about to leave duskmon shows up at the camp and the evolve. While fighting kendogarurumon saves agunimon. Duskmon then lets out a dark fog that covers them. Takuya is then brought to the dark terminal and boards a trailmon there.
Episode 22: Home Again, Takuya Returns
After the battle with Duskmon and Koji almost killing himself, Takuya wakes up at a train station. There a darktrailmon is waiting for him to return home. Takuya gets on the train and turns into a half human half digimon thing. When Takuay gets off the train people are just looking at him. Takuya runs home and relizes he came the same day he left. Takuya decides to go back to the digital-world and there he is turned back into a human. He evolves into Agunimon and promises to take being a digimon more seriousely. While he was in the real world he sees someone that looks like Koji. Could he be another spirit holder?
Episode 23: Sockit Takuya
Ranamon and Mercurymon have caputered Zoe, JP, and Tommy. Meanwhile 3 datemon have the D-Tectors and are trying to get them to open so they can get there spirits. Koji is behind a rock seeing whatis going on and Agunimon is trying to find them but finds Neemon and Bokomon instead. Agunimon now learns that he can call on all the forces of nature. They soo nrun inot a Sepikmon and he helps them to the others. Koji then spirit evolves into Lobomon but Ranamon slide evolves into Calmarimon. And takes care of Lobomon. Then Agunimon shows up. He uses his new power and rescues the others. They all evolve and defeat Ranamon and Mercurymon.
Episode 24: Alone But Never Alone
JP is now leading but the others make mean comments about him. Then the kids are sucked into a digimon (a giant one at that!). JP is pushed into another "room" and is attacked by a Volcamon. But he spirit evolves and takes care of him. Then his shadow tries to tell him that his friends hate him and never wanted him here. JP then rembers how at school he tried to make friends but failed. Thenhis shadow turns into a DarkBeetlemon. And they go into an area and fight but with alot of digidestin to make fun of him. JP evolves into MetalKauterimon then his shadow does the same. JP then fires his cannon at close range and defeats the shadow. And Takuya, Tommy, Zoe, and Koji are joined up again with JP.
Episode 25: The Dark Heart Of Friendship
Tommy gets a group of digimon in his sector who pretend to be his friend, but seem kind of suspicious. Can he figure out the truth before they steal his D-Tector?
Episode 26: Zoe’s Unbeelievable Adventure
While Zoe is looking for a way to get out of her sector, she stumbles into Ranamon. The fight between Ranamon and Zoe reaches its exciting finale, but who will come out the victor?
Episode 27: Stuck In Sakkakumon With You
Koji encounters Duskmon in his sector. He must battle Duskmon one on one, but will he be able to succeed when the Digi-Destined couldn't defeat Duskmon as a team? Episode 28: The Darkness Before Dawn
To get out of Sakkakumon, Takuya must find a way to defeat Mercurymon. Can he find a way to achieve Fusion Evolution and succeed, or are the digi-destined done for in this battle?
Episode 29: Phantasmagoric Sakkakumon
Sakkakumon reveals he is still alive, and now he has the digi-destined's attacks. Can they find a way to create new attacks and defeat Sakkakumon once and for all?
Episode 30: O Brother, Who Art Thou?
Koji and Kouichi begin to figure out they're related some how, but what is that relation, and can it stop the two of them from destroying each other?
Episode 31: Workin’ On The Train Gang
JP, Zoe, and Tommy decide to discover what horrors await them at the Rose Morning Star by searching a Trailmon graveyard, but what horrors await them inside the graveyard?
Episode 32: My Brother In Spirit
When Koji realizes he has a brother and has been fighting him, he refuses to fight anymore. Can Takuya make him see the evil of Velgrmon?
Episode 33: Never The Twins Shall Meet
Now that he's a regular human again, Kouichi decides to join the digi-destined, but will he find a way to help them out without any spirits of his own to use?
Episode 34: Operation: Free Ophanimon
The digidestined decide to free Ophanimon once and for all, but Cherubimon ends up being her guard. Can they find a way to free her from the final of the 3 guardian Digimon?
Episode 35: Takuya And Kouji’s Evolution Revolution
Takuya and Koji must hold off Cherubimon while the others free Ophanimon, but can they succeed when Cherubimon makes them lose their spirits?
Episode 36: Ice Ice Baby
Cherubimon seems to be defeated, but he appears to be easy compared to IceDevimon. Can the others find a way to defeat IceDevimon with Takuya and Koji's D-Tectors frozen solid?
Episode 37: Cherubimania
The final battle between EmperorGreymon/ MagnaGarurumon and Cherubimon begins, but who will end up being the victor, and who are these mysterious characters that are watching the battle?
Episode 38: It Can’t Be! Lucemon Reappears
The Royal Knights appears and reveal that Lucemon will return. Can the digi-destined find a way to prevent this chaos from occuring, or will they be delaying the inevitable?
Episode 39: The Man In The Moon Is You
After waking up on the moon, the digi-destined decide to try to get back to the digital world to get revenge on the Royal Knights, but will they succeed, or will they be stuck on the moon for the rest of their lives?
Episode 40: The Bully Pulpit
The digidestined run into the same group of kids that pusked Tommy onto the train causing him to come into the digital world, but can Tommy get past his resentment of them and save the day?
Episode 41: Jerks And The Beanstalk
Katshuhara and company have been captured by the Royal Knights. It's a good thing for them that Tommy is with them, but can they find a way to save Beanstalk Village, and can the other kids get Trailmon Worm to want to help out?
Episode 42: Glean Eggs And Scram
When the Royal Knights target the Village of Beginnings for their next assault, it's up to the kids to convince the Trailmon to save the digi-eggs, but can they finally defeat the Royal Knights? Maybe they can with help from some old enemies.
Episode 43: Bad To The Bones
The kids rush to try and save the Flame Terminal from being deleted, but with the SkullSatamon already on hand, can they find a way to defeat them? Is there any way to unite all the Digimon to fight together?
Episode 44: Now You See It, Now You Don’t
With only 3 areas left to protect in the digital world, the digi-destined must act fast to save the Forest Terminal. EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon seem to be getting stronger, but will they finally be able to defeat the Royal Knights?
Episode 45: All Aboard The Tag Team Express
Only 2 areas of the digital world remain: The Autumn Leaf Fair and Ophanimon's castle, but can the kids find a way to save The Fair without losing any more Digimon friends, or is the digital world truly done for?
Episode 46: To Make The World Go Away
The digi-destined arrive at Ophanimon's castle to try and save the last bit of data from being given to Lucemon. Can they finally defeat the Royal Knights, or will Lucemon be reborn?
Episode 47: When Knights Fall....
The battle for the final data begins. The final battle with the Royal Knights starts, but is there a ray of hope for the digi-destined to win this surprising bout?
Episode 48: The Brothers Yin And Yang
Since Emperor Greymon and MagnaGarurumon proved to be too weak, the kids decide to try a multi attack, but will it be enough, or will they need additional power?
Episode 49: Lucemon On The Loose
Susanoomon has been born, but will the combined powers of all 10 legendary spirits be enough to defeat Lucemon for good, or does Lucemon have one final surprise in store?
Episode 50: End Of The Line
The final battle between Lucemon and Susanoomon will be decided not in the digital world, but in the real world. Who will end up prevailing in this free-for-all?
Sorry but, no for season 5.
But, Enjoy!!!
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